Messages & Media

Messages & Media

This section covers everything related to messages and how they display.

Message display

Message preview

At the top of this screen displays a message preview so users can see how their message settings affect how messages display.


While scrolling through the ‘Message display’ section, this preview should ideally remain sticky and change how the preview display based on settings chosen.

Message density (default = standard)

Formerly “Message Display”, users have the choice between standard or compact display. The preview should update based on this selection.


Message width (default = full-width)

Formerly “Channel display”, users have the choice between full width or fixed width.

  • The preview will update based on this setting as well (centering content within preview area or not)

Teammate name display (default = show first and last name)

No changes are proposed other than UI.

  • This setting should also update the name displayed in the preview.

Online status on profile images (default = checked)

No changes are proposed other than UI (and slight wording change).

  • This setting should also show/hide the status in the preview.


Enable collapsed replies (default depends on system console settings)

No changes are proposed other than the UI here. Behavior stays the same.

Click to open threads (default = checked)

No changes are proposed other than the UI here. Behavior stays the same.

Image and link previews

Show expanded image previews (default = checked)

This setting was formerly called “Default Appearance of Image Previews”. In addition to this language update, we will remove the extra help text and update UI to change it from radio buttons to a single checkbox. Behavior stays the same.

Show website link previews (default = checked)

Instead of On/Off radio buttons, this will be updated to a single checkbox. Behavior stays the same. In addition, we will remove the extra help text.

Quick reactions

Enable quick reactions (default = checked)

Instead of On/Off radio buttons, this will be updated to a single checkbox. Behavior stays the same. In addition, we will remove the extra help text.

This will change how the preview below displays.

Which reactions would you prefer to show? (default = frequently used)

Users can choose between showing the most frequently used or the most recently used reactions. This will update the reactions shown in the preview.

Quick reactions preview

Another preview displays at the bottom of this section and gets updated based on the settings chosen above,



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