Phase X - Webapp Growth Initiatives
Webapp enhancements that can help drive growth and first impressions of the Mattermost product:
Desktop app first launch screens: This is the first launch experience when the user downloads the desktop app
Updated login screen: This is the first interaction with Mattermost for all users who are provided a server URL link or join via LDAP where accounts are already created
New Channel creation modal: Everyone creating a channel interacts with this modal to set the name, channel type, and purpose
Updated channel intro area: First thing users see after creating a new channel or joining a channel without much content yet
RHS channel info panel: Helps consolidate all the info about the channel so the user can gain context and relevant resources for the channel they’re in.
Profile settings UI revamp: Part of the onboarding experience when users are asked to set up their profile
Team Settings UI revamp: Part of admin steps to configure the team icon + description