Channel Intros

Channel Intros

Implementation in-progress

Important Links


The goals of this project are:

  • Improve visual impact and the usefulness of the channel’s empty state.

  • Help orient the user and make it more obvious that the channel is empty

  • Encourage users to engage with the channel


The channel intro is made up of the following items:

  • Illustration / visual

  • Channel name

  • Creation details

  • Intro message

  • Actions


Channel Types

Each of the channel types below have nuanced variations of the channel intro UI.

  1. Town Square

  2. Public Channel

  3. Private Channel

  4. Direct Messages

  5. Group Messages

  6. Bots

Town Square

This is the all-access default channel where users will land first. This intro has a different illustration and message for this intro from a regular Public channel.


The actions available for Town Square are:

  • Set header (only if channel admin)

    • If the header is already set, this changes to say ‘Edit header’

  • Notifications - opens up the notifications settings for the channel

  • Favorite

Public Channel

Less than 10 users on the server

In the case where the current server has less than 10 users, the channel intro displays a prominent ‘Invite more users’ button.


  • Invite others to workspace (if access to do so)

  • If user doesn’t have access to invite others, display the actions as stated below for servers with > 10 users.

10 or more users on the server

Once the server has more than 10 users, the intro UI changes to display 3 action buttons.


The actions available for Public Channel (if server > 10 users) are:

  • Add people (if access to do so)

  • Set header (if access to do so)

    • If the header is already set, this changes to say ‘Edit header’

  • Notifications - opens up the notifications settings for the channel

  • Favorite (only if one of the above is not available to user)

Private Channel

The intro for a private channel has a different illustration, a different intro message and displays the lock icon with ‘Private channel' in the creation details.


The actions available for Private Channel are:

  • Add people (if access to do so)

  • Set header (if access to do so)

    • If the header is already set, this changes to say ‘Edit header’

  • Notifications - opens up the notifications settings for the channel

  • Favorite (only if one of the above is not available to the user)

Direct Messages

DM intros display the user’s avatar rather than an illustration along with the user’s display name (or username as a fallback).


The actions available for DMs are:

  • Set header

    • If the header is already set, this changes to say ‘Edit header’

  • Favorite

Group Messages

GM intros are very similar to DM intros except that they display images of all participants in an overlapped layout.


The actions available for GMs are:

  • Add people

  • Set header

    • If the header is already set, this changes to say ‘Edit header’

  • Notifications


Bot intros are very similar to DM intros. Next to the name, a ‘bot' tag displays.


The actions available for DMs are:

  • Set header

    • If the header is already set, this changes to say ‘Edit header’

  • Favorite

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Mobile App


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