Test Plan - Incident Response v0.6 + 7
Document version 1.0
Status: Test Completed
Document Version | Description | Date |
0.0 | Initial version | 08/07 |
0.1 | Added tests for v0.7. Added test steps for the test cases. Test plan ready for review. | 08/16 |
1.0 | Tests updated. Tests run and completed | 08/21 |
Related Tests:
This document details the tests for Incident Response plugin v0.6.0. The tests are derived from the user stories in the requirements for v0.6. The MVP of the Incident Response plugin will be tested against the relevant tests included in this test plan if the feature is included.
This document covers the cases for the user stories as outlined in the Incident Response MVP Overview for v.0.6.0 of the plugin only.
Admin - A user with system administrator privileges.
Normal user - A user with non-system administrator privileges.
Test Server - A list of test server versions used in testing including Mattermost server and Marketplace Server
Main menu - Hamburger menu on the LHS.
Incident Response icon - The Incident Response plugin icon that appears on the channel header
Commander - The user who owns an incident. The user who starts the incident is designated the commander by default.
Incident member/incident channel member - A user who has been added to the incident channel.
Non-incident user - A user who has not been added to the incident channel.
Active incident - An incident that has not been ended.
Ongoing incident - Same as Active Incident.
Inactive incident - An incident that has been ended.
Incident RHS - The RHS sidebar that opens upon clicking the incident response icon and displays incidents.
Incident Backstage - The backstage view that shows the incident list.
Playbook Backstage - The backstage view that shows the playbook list.
The tests in this test plans are written with the assumption that:
The tests outlined in this document is to be executed against the Incident Response plugin v0.6.0.
This version of the plugin can be installed and used in Mattermost instances that aren’t equipped with any enterprise license.
The Incident Response plugin can function as a standalone plugin that does not require to talk to any other Mattermost plugin.
This version of the Incident Response plugin will function properly only in the latest version of Mattermost.
The tests will be executed in the latest version of Mattermost.
Testing is primarily done on browser (Chrome), with spot checks on other web browsers, desktop app, RN mobile app and mobile web browser app.
The tests in this document are executed as a normal user (see glossary above) unless otherwise specified in the tests.
The test cases that pass for a normal user will also pass for a system administrator.
Plugin uploads is enabled in server instance
“EnableUploads” option under “PluginSettings” in mattermost-server’s config.json is set to 'true'.
The channel export feature defined in the user story is dependent on the existence of the Channel Export plugin being installed and enabled in the test server.
Private channels cannot be converted into public channel, hence private incidents cannot be converted to public incidents.
Document Setup
For the practicality of running tests easily, test cases are arranged in sequential order when necessary, following the preceding test case.
Test Setup
The following setup will be necessary in order to begin testing:
A Mattermost test server running the latest version.
The test server may not need to be equipped with an EE license.
Incident Plugin v0.6.
Channel Export Plugin v0.2
Test Server: https://ir-test.test.mattermost.cloud/
Test Server (upgrade tests): https://ir-upgrade-test.test.mattermost.cloud/
Build Hash: fb453d
EE Build Hash: 7251aa
Webapp Build Hash: d0bcba
Incident Response plugin version: v0.6.0-alpha.3 (build hash d60f2f)
Test Date: 08/21/2020
Test Area - Plugin Setup | ||||
Test ID | Test Case | Test Steps | Result | Notes |
1 | Admin can install plugin in a non-EE instance |
| Pass |
2 | Admin can install plugin in an E10 instance |
| Pass |
3 | Admin can install plugin in an E20 instance |
| Pass |
4 | Admin can enable plugin |
| Pass |
5 | Plugin functionality is available to admin |
| Pass |
6 | Plugin functionality is available to normal user |
| Pass |
7 | Admin can disable plugin |
| Pass |
8 | Admin can remove plugin |
| Pass |
9 | Plugin upgrades normally from v0.4 to v0.6 |
| Pass |
10 | Plugin upgrades normally from v0.5 to v0.6 |
| Pass |
11 | Incidents started with the prior plugin versions are still active and available in v0.6 |
| Pass |
12 | Incidents ended with prior plugin versions are not available in v0.6 |
| Pass |
13 | Playbook started with the older plugin version is still available upon plugin upgrade |
| Pass |
Test Area - Create stages when editing a playbook | ||||
Test ID | Test Case | Test Steps | Result | Notes |
14 | Playbook creator can edit playbook |
| Pass |
15 | Any playbook member can edit playbook to add a new member | Continue from the above test.
| Pass |
16 | Any playbook member can edit playbook to remove an existing member | Continue from the above test.
| Pass |
17 | A playbook member cannot edit playbook to remove all the members of the playbook | Continue from the above test.
| Pass | The “Save Playbook” button should stay inactive unless there is at least one member |
18 | Any playbook member can edit playbook to change the private/public incident setting | Continue from the above test.
| Pass |
19 | Any playbook member can edit playbook to add a new stage | Continue from the above test.
| Pass |
20 | A playbook can have multiple stages with the same stage name |
| Pass | Valid? @Ian Tao (Unlicensed) confirm? |
21 | A playbook member can edit playbook to add a new checklist item to a stage added by themself | Continue from the above test.
| Pass |
22 | Any playbook member can edit playbook to add a new checklist item to a stage added by a different member | Continue from the above test.
| Pass |
23 | A playbook member cannot edit playbook such that the playbook name field is empty | Continue from the above test.
| Pass |
24 | Any playbook member can reorder the checklist items within a stage | Continue from the above test.
| Pass |
25 | Any playbook member can reorder the checklist items within different stages | Continue from the above test.
| Pass | Cannot be reordered under a different stage without a step: MM-28024: A "step" cannot be dragged-dropped into a stage with no stepClosed |
26 | A playbook member cannot reorder the playbook such that the checklist items can be pulled outside a stage | Continue from the above test.
| Pass |
27 | Any playbook member can delete a checklist item | Continue from the above test.
| Pass |
28 | A playbook member can edit the playbook to delete all the checklist items such that all the stages can have no checklist item at all | Continue from the above test.
| N/A | Invalid. |
29 | Any playbook member can reorder the stages | Continue from the above test.
| Pass |
30 | A playbook member cannot reorder the playbook such that the stages can be nested | Continue from the above test.
| Pass | Verify that the stages cannot be stacked inside another stage
Step 5: The dragged item gets dropped below (not inside) whatever stage item it was dragged into. |
31 | Any playbook member can delete a stage | Continue from the above test.
| Pass |
32 | A playbook member cannot delete the last remaining stage such that the playbook has no stages at all | Continue from the above test.
| Fail | MM-28025: Starting an incident with playbook that has no stage loads a blank pageClosed |
33 | Any playbook member can delete playbook | Continue from the above test.
| Pass |
34 | A playbook member can create playbook with a large number of stages |
| Pass | Verify playbook with a large number of stages in the edit page |
35 | A playbook member can create playbook with a large number of checklist items within the stages | Continue from the above test.
| Pass | Verify playbook with a large number of checklist items within the stages in the edit page |
36 | The components in the playbook edit page render normally | Verify the appearance of the components in the playbook edit page. | Pass |
Test Area - Set active workflow stage | ||||
Test ID | Test Case | Test Steps | Result | Notes |
37 | An active stage is annotated with |
| Pass |
38 | Non-active stages are not annotated with | Continue with the above test.
| Pass |
39 | Selecting a non-active stage from the RHS dropdown shows a | Continue with the above test.
| Pass |
40 | Incident commander can set a different stage as | Continue with the above test.
| Pass |
41 | Workflow member can set a different stage as | Continue with the above test.
| Pass |
42 | Workflow member cannot can set a different stage as | Continue with the above test.
| Fail | @Ian Tao (Unlicensed) confirm? Updated to “can set a different stage…” MM-28030: Active stage cannot be changed once an incident is endedClosed |
43 | Workflow member can set a different stage as | Continue with the above test.
| Pass |
44 | Plugin posts a message in the incident channel when changing an active stage | Continue from the above test.
| Pass |
45 | Workflow member views the active stage by default in incident RHS | Continue with the above test.
| Pass |
46 | When an active stage is changed by a different user, the stage selected in the RHS remains as is but without the | Continue with the above test.
| Pass |
47 | In case of only one stage, the stage is set as active by default |
| Pass |
48 | In case of multiple stages, the first stage is set as active by default |
| Pass |
49 | Switching between the stages does not set the stage as active | Continue from the above test.
| Pass |
50 | Selecting an active stage from the RHS dropdown does not show a | Continue from the above test.
| Pass |
51 | Workflow member can check items off of stages that are active | Continue from the above test.
| Pass |
52 | Workflow member can uncheck items of stages that are not active | Continue from the above test.
| Pass |
53 | Workflow member can check off items of an ongoing incident |
| Pass | Covered by the above test |
54 | Workflow member cannot can checkoff items of an ended incident | Continue from the above test.
| Pass | Valid? @Ian Tao (Unlicensed) confirm? Updated to “can checkoff…” |
55 | Workflow member can checkoff items of a restarted incident | Continue from the above test.
| Pass |
Test Area - View steps in stages during a workflow | ||||
Test ID | Test Case | Test Steps | Result | Notes |
56 | The |
| Pass | Covered by #34 |
57 | Selecting a different stage in the RHS shows the checklist corresponding to that stage |
| Pass |
58 | Saving a playbook with only one stage and leaving the stage name empty, will create an incident with stage “Default Stage” |
| Pass |
59 | Any workflow member can switch between the stages in the RHS in an ongoing incident | Continue from the above test.
| Pass |
60 | Any workflow member can switch between the stages in the RHS in an incident that has been ended | Continue from the above test.
| Pass |
61 | Any workflow member can switch between the stages in the RHS in an incident that has been restarted | Continue from the above test.
| Pass |
62 | Selecting a different stage will not change the default active stage view upon page refresh | Continue from the above test.
| Pass | Refreshing the page or navigating back to the incident channel will always show the |
63 | Selecting a different stage will not change the stage view for a different workflow member | Continue from the above test.
| Pass |
64 | Stage title should state the current and total number of stages as X/Y | Continue from the above test.
| Pass |
Test Area - Assign step owners | ||||
Test ID | Test Case | Test Steps | Result | Notes |
65 | Checklist item in the RHS has a dropdown for assignee | Continue from the above tests.
| Pass |
66 | By default, checklist item does not have any assignee | Continue from the above tests.
| Pass |
67 | The assignee dropdown shows the list of workflow members | Continue from the above tests.
| Pass |
68 | The assignee dropdown does not show users that are not workflow members | Continue from the above test.
| Pass |
69 | A checklist item can be checked off without an assignee | Continue from the above test.
| Pass |
70 | A checklist item can be unchecked without an assignee | Continue from the above test.
| Pass |
71 | Workflow member can select him/herself as the checklist assignee | Continue from the above test.
| Pass |
72 | Workflow member can select a different workflow member as the checklist assignee | Continue from the above test.
| Pass |
73 | Workflow member can change assignee from him/herself to ‘No Assignee’ for a checklist item | Continue from the above test.
| Pass |
74 | Workflow member can change another workflow member to ‘No Assignee’ for a checklist item | Continue from the above test.
| Pass |
75 | Plugin posts a message in incident channel when an assignee is selected | Continue from the above tests.
| Pass |
76 | Plugin posts a message in incident channel when ‘No Assignee’ is selected | Continue from the above tests.
| Pass |
77 | Workflow member cannot select multiple assignees | Continue from the above tests.
| Pass |
78 | Workflow member cannot select a different assignee in an incident that is ended | Continue from the above tests.
| Pass |
79 | Workflow member can select a different assignee in an incident that is restarted | Continue for the above tests.
| Pass |
80 | Assignee does not change when a workflow member leaves the workflow channel | Continue form the above tests.
| Pass |
81 | The assignee dropdown list gets updated when a workflow member is kicked from the channel | Continue from the above tests.
| Pass |
82 | Assignee does not change when a workflow member is kicked from the workflow channel | Continue from the above tests.
| Pass |
83 | The assignee dropdown list gets updated when a workflow member leaves the channel | Continue from the above tests.
| Pass |
84 | The assignee dropdown list gets updated when a new member is added to the workflow channel | Continue from the above tests.
| Pass |
85 | An assignee can checkoff a checklist item | Continue from the above tests.
| Pass |
86 | An assignee can uncheck a checklist item | Continue from the above tests.
| Pass |
87 | A non-assignee can checkoff a checklist item | Continue from the above tests.
| Pass |
88 | A non-assignee can uncheck a checklist item | Continue from the above tests.
| Pass |
89 | Anything in the backstage about assignee? |
| N/A | At the moment you can’t assign an item in the backstage, but that seems useful. @Ian Tao (Unlicensed) ? |
Test Area (v0.7) - Attach a slash command to each step when editing playbook | ||||
Test ID | Test Case | Test Steps | Result | Notes |
90 | A newly added checklist item in a playbook has a slash command field |
| Pass |
91 | A playbook can be edited to add a slash command to any checklist item | Continue from the above test.
| Pass |
92 | A checklist item configured with a slash command shows the slash command for that item in the RHS | Continue from the above tests.
| Pass |
93 | A checklist item can only be configured with one slash command at most |
| N/A | Valid? I think this should be allowed (there’s no technical reason it can’t). @Ian Tao (Unlicensed) ? MM-27963: A checklist item can only be configured with one slash command at mostClosed |
94 | Typing an invalid slash command |
| N/A | There’s nothing preventing the user from typing an invalid slash command. |
Test Area (v0.7) - Browse existing slash commands in playbook editing | ||||
Test ID | Test Case | Test Steps | Result | Notes |
95 | Typing a |
| Pass |
96 | Typing a non-/ character in the slash command field? |
| N/A | See #94 |
97 | Selecting from the slash command list auto completes the slash command | Continue from the above tests.
| Pass |
98 | Typing a non-existing slash command shows a “invalid slash command” error |
| N/A | Valid? We do not validate the slash commands at the moment. |
99 | The slash command field can be left empty | Continue from the above tests.
| Pass |
Test Area (v0.7) - Execute the attached slash command with a button click The tests below might need to get adjusted (or added) to match Revised step execution: MM-27012: Revised step executionClosed | ||||
Test ID | Test Case | Test Steps | Result | Notes |
100 | A checklist item configured without a slash command does not have a |
| Pass |
101 | A checklist item configured with a valid slash command has a | Continue from the above test.
| Pass |
102 | A checklist item configured with an invalid slash command does not have a | Continue from the above test.
| N/A | This doesn’t happen currently. It would require us to spend mana on validating the slash command. |
103 | A checklist item configured with a nonexistent slash command does not have a | Continue from the above test.
| N/A | See #102 |
104 | Clicking the | Continue from the above test.
| Pass |
105 | Plugin posts a message in the incident channel when a slash command | Continue from the above test.
| N/A Ticket created | A message that the checklist item slash command was run (not the slash command system message) @Ian Tao (Unlicensed) should we make a ticket for this feature? We currently don’t do it, but it makes sense. |
106 | Running a slash command with system message attached to it posts the slash command system message in the incident channel | Continue from the above test.
| Pass |
107 | In case of two valid slash commands, running the command from the checklist item will only run the first command successfully | Continue from the above test.
| Pass | This is in sync with the core feature behavior Seems correct to me (ChrisP) |
108 | Running an invalid slash command from RHS checklist shows an ‘invalid slash command’ error | Depends on the steps in #102. | N/A |
109 | A slash command can be run multiple times from the RHS checklist | Continue from the above tests.
| Pass |
110 | A plugin post notifies when a slash command fails to run successfully | Verify that when a slash command fails to execute by clicking the | Fail | MM-28037: Running an invalid slash command does not show error to userClosed |
Test Area - Tests/bugs outside of requirements and user stories | ||||
Test ID | Test Case | Test Steps | Result | Notes |
111 | Checklist item description |
| Pass | MM-27016: Step DescriptionsClosed MM-28029: Step descriptions overlap each over in the RHSClosed |
112 | Add pagination to playbook list |
| Pass | |
113 | Browse Playbook templates |
| Pass | |
114 | Channel link capability to the workflow markdown | A channel link in the checklist text (it has to be correct), such as
| Pass | |
115 | Test new playbook creation with Blank Playbook template | Sanity tests with Blank Playbook template. | Pass | |
116 | Test new playbook creation with Incident Response Playbook | Sanity tests with Incident Response Playbook template. | Pass |
117 | Show workflow duration |
| Pass | |
118 | Return paginated response for all list endpoints |
| Pass | |
119 | Empty playbook landing |
| Pass | |
120 | Sortable names, stages, steps in playbook backstage |
| Pass | |
121 |
| Pass |