2019-10-17 Slash Command Autocomplete Kickoff

2019-10-17 Slash Command Autocomplete Kickoff


Oct 17, 2019


  • @Jesse Hallam

  • @Aaron Rothschild (Deactivated)

  • @Maria Nunez

  • @Ali Farooq (Deactivated)

  • @Shota Gvinepadze (Deactivated)

  • @Ben Schumacher

  • @Asaad Mahmood

  • @Prapti Shrestha (Deactivated)

Discussion points

  • At the very minimum, the slash command help text should stay on screen after the first space!

  • This functionality should apply to plugins and integrations alike.

  • Would love to have client-side autocomplete, where the integration can send down enough data on the first request to drive most common interactions without repeated requests to the integration endpoint.

  • Dynamic requests to the integration would enable context specific suggestions (e.g. Jira issue ID auto-complete based on context/configuration)

  • Optimizations might allow for prediction to reduce the latency of waiting for more results from the integration

  • Concern about mobile -> server -> integration RTT

  • Concern about potential complexity

  • Should first step be "send every character" (full functionality, might be slow) or "send autocomplete payload" (fast, but can't do dynamic things)

  • What issues are users actually running into slash commands? For example, emoji autocomplete requires typing a few characters, but often what @ali.farooq wants is just to suggest recently used emojis automatically.

  • As a concrete improvement, for JIRA, make it unnecessary to always do /jira help to figure out what to do.

  • IDE Autocomplete experience enables auto-discovery: should aim for something similar with slash commands.

  • Should autocomplete apply to other interactions, like DMing a bot?

  • Propose Phase 1: Static autocomplete payload, Phase 2: Add "recently used" history, Phase 3: Dynamic fetch on each keystroke

  • Different auto-complete "trees" for different users/types of users?

  • Maybe merge Phase 1 + 2, and just expect the plugin to use the context to send down user-specific payload?

  • What about autocomplete for built-in commands? Can we move the built-in commands to a pre-packaged, auto-enabled plugin?!?

  • Can we add a "slash button" to enable discovery of slash commands (i.e. to the left of the post box)

  • Add to "Markdown hints" that you can use a slash command?

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