The Product Design Update (Blog)

The Product Design Update (Blog)

This is a monthly update posted on the blog (TBD) that captures a few key projects the design team is working on to be shared out publicly. See Introducing the Product Design Update for more detail.

Designers are encouraged to submit key projects they’ve recently worked to be included in the publication.

The submission process for designers

  • At the beginning of each month, a call for submissions will be sent out via Mattermost in the Team: Design channel.

  • Projects will need to be submitted by the 15th of every month

  • Use the following template to submit your project for the next installment.

  • Send your submission details via Mattermost in the Team: Design channel.

  • Individual installments of the series will be published on the last Friday of each month.

Submission details

Project title

Enter name of project here

The problem being solved

Write a brief summary of the problem the project aims to solve

Summary of solution

Write a brief summary of the proposed solution to the problem. Include the use cases it solves for and the intended benefits for users.

Figma file link

Add link to figma file here


Provide 3 or 4 screenshots or visuals the best represent the solution (1366x768 resolution for web/desktop)

Video walkthrough (optional)

You can also provide a video walkthrough if it helps to describe the project better

Animated GIFs (optional)

You can also provide sample animated gifs that demonstrate the interactions


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