Cloud and Self-Managed Release Plan

Cloud and Self-Managed Release Plan

Collapsed Reply Threads will be launching first in BETA to cloud and self-managed. As a result, we may want to make some exceptions to the release process and typical feature roll-out process we have for GA features. Below is a proposed roll-out plan that will allow us to stabilize the feature over a number of releases in a SAFE way, while still providing value to die hard admins and users that have been waiting 2 years for CRT.

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Cloud (June 30)

Feature complete/branch master: June 21

  • Ship CRT with feature flag ON

  • Set config flag default to “off” (meaning Admins must enable it in the system console for end users to use the feature)

  • We anticipate there still might be some P1-P2 bugs at this stage. We are making a conscious decision to be okay with this as we do a “silent” cloud release of this feature (meaning no marketing push yet, and Cloud admins must enable the feature in the system console for any users to access it).


Cloud (July 14)

Feature complete/branch master: July 5

  • Ship CRT with feature flag ON

  • Migrate the config flag to “default-off” for all Cloud servers (unless it had been set to “default-on” or “always-on” by the Admin) so new users can access the feature without Admins having to enable it.

    • For new cloud users, default the account setting to ON

    • For existing cloud users, nothing special is needed (Account setting will either be defaulted to OFF from the default-off config, or it would have already set manually in account settings if their workspace admin enabled CRT in the June 30 release)

  • This is when we can launch the marketing for the feature since all cloud users can access it without admin intervention. Marketing will state that it will be available for self-managed in v5.37 (July 16) in Beta


v5.37 Self-Managed (July 16)

Feature complete/branch master: June 21

  • Ship CRT with feature flag defaulted to ON (we don’t want to remove the feature flag yet since it’s still stabilizing in Cloud)

  • Set config flag default to “off” (meaning Admins must enable it in the system console for end users to access the feature)

  • Any bug fixes that went into the July 14 cloud releases should be cherry picked to v5.37


v5.38/1.46 Self-Managed (August 16)

Feature complete/branch master: July 19

  • Remove the CRT feature flag

  • Ship CRT Beta on mobile


Cloud (August 25)

Feature complete/branch master: August 16

  • Migrate the config flag to “default-on” so all Cloud users will get CRT (users can still disable it in Account Settings)

    • This is assuming CRT

      • CRT is available on mobile in the August 16th release (v1.46). If not we should push this change to a later cloud release.

      • We have completed the tutorial/onboarding experience, including informing users that they can turn CRT off


v6.0/1.47 Self-Managed (September 16)

Feature complete/branch master: August 16

  • GA launch: Remove the Beta label on the feature throughout the UI and System Console

  • Set config flag default to “default-on” so all users will get CRT (users can still disable it in Account Settings)

    • For new servers: They’ll adopt the default of “default-on” so all users will get CRT out-of-the-box

    • For existing servers: We will use a migration to update the config variable value for this setting depending on if the config was ever edited during the beta stage:

      • Servers that have edited the CollapsedReplyThreads config: don’t change the config value. We can use in-product notices to promote the feature to these server admins)

      • Servers that have not ever edited the CollapsedReplyThreads config: migrate to default_on