EE: Group Mentions

EE: Group Mentions

Target release

Q2 2020


MM-20775: Ability to mention LDAP groups by nameClosed



Document status


Community Server Channel

EE: Group Mentions

Document owner

@Dennis Kittrell (Deactivated)


@Michael Gamble (Deactivated)

Tech lead

@Scott Bishel

Technical writers

@Justine Geffen (Deactivated)


@Rohitesh Gupta (Deactivated)


Continue to add high priority business improvements for enterprise customers.

Request (CR)


Request (other)


Design Spec

Design Spec - Group Mentions

Technical Spec

Tech Spec - Group Mentions(LDAP)

Test Plan

Test Plan - Group Mentions MVP


Group objects (whether native or AD/LDAP) are valuable as referenced objects in communication. Groups of people, whether departments, roles, owners, etc. can be needed in a discussion or channel for collaboration purposes. This feature aims to provide that value by enabling group mentions on a per group basis (opt-in).


Groups exists via AD/LDAP sync and native, self-defined MM groups are being considered as a standalone feature. Referencing these groups for purposes of at-mentions of users is demanded and expected by MM users and administrators.

There is currently a plugin that was built to accomplish several of the user scenarios: GitHub - mattermost-community/mattermost-plugin-autolink: Automatically rewrite text matching a regular expression into a markdown link.

Success metrics





Build a useful feature that enables alerting/notifying groups of users with a single command

  • 100% of customers who requested this feature confirm that this is what they want

  • 75% of MM customers with telemetry have at least some daily mentions to groups

User Scenarios

  • Members (not guests) of any channel can @mention groups of users (e.g. @infosec or @finance)

  • Members want to mention users in a specific channel that are also in a specific group

  • Admins can choose which groups are available to be mentioned

  • System Admin - To be edit / modify the group mention name

  • Channel Member - I’d like to see any group mentions in the “@ - Recent Mentions“ search filter in the top bar


Phases & Milestones

Feb2020MarAprMay5.22 CF5.24 CF

UX Review

iOS App





Areas Touched

  • System Console UI (Group Configuration page)

  • Chat-facing UI

  • LDAP Groups

  • Desktop/Mobile Apps



User Story


Direct Design Link

Jira Issue


User Story


Direct Design Link

Jira Issue


add group section to autosuggest

As a user, I want to be able to distinguish between a user and a group in autosuggest dialogue, so that I can more easily reference the users I intend to





Allow members to @mention groups by their group name (slug is auto-generated)

As a user, I want the ability to @mention entire groups and push a notification to that group, so that I can better collaborate with groups of people



MM-23017: Group Mentions & Invites - Send notifications to the @-mentioned group membersClosed


Add group slugs to autocomplete suggestions on mention screens

As a user, I want automated suggestions for groups as a type, so that I can more easily find the group I am looking to reference



MM-23016: Display group mentions in suggestions list in the main channel textboxClosed


Ability for admins to turn on/off @mentions for specified groups (off by default)

 As an admin, I want the ability to opt-in to the above setting for each group, so that I can selectively choose which groups can mentioned



MM-23015: Enable or Disable group mentionsClosed


If a team or channel is group constrained, only autosuggest groups who are available in that team or channel

As a user, I want to be sure that the groups I am mentioning are available in the team and channel I am posting in, so that I do not mention groups that cannot view my post





If the team and channel are not group constrained, all groups with the toggle enabled are mentionable






confirmation modal before sending to 5 or more users (add to setting for @mentioning groups) - same threshold as @here and @all

As a user, I want to be alerted before I alert a large number of users, so that I can reassess the impact of my action



MM-23264: Group Mentions - Show a confirmation dialog when mentioning a group with too many usersClosed


system message notifying user that some users were not members of the channel with option to invite

As a user, I want to be made aware if members of the group I am mentioning are not members of the channel (and won’t be alerted from my mention), so that I can choose to invite them.





Ability to rename group slug

As an admin, I want the ability to rename the group slug, so that I can maximize group mentions usability for my users



MM-23754: Ability to rename group mention slugClosed (DESIGN)

MM-23816: Enable the editing of the group name in the Group Configuration panel. Closed


Convert group config to draft / save style (like permissions scheme)

In order to rename slugs we need draft state



MM-23816: Enable the editing of the group name in the Group Configuration panel. Closed


Duplicate detection for groups when slug is created

As an admin, I want to be sure there are no conflicts of group slugs when I am enabling or renaming group slugs, so that I can be sure my users can easily mention the intended group



MM-23816: Enable the editing of the group name in the Group Configuration panel. Closed


Team Member - setting in “Account Settings > Notifications” to add/remove my group slugs to the search filter in the “@ - Recent Mentions“ - Default Enabled
removed from scope - without granular selection of group notifications, this could potentially render the Recent Mentions feature useless. We will revisit Post MVP - MM-23519: Enable/Disable group mention notifications in AccountSettingsClosed

As a group member, I want to see my groups' mentions in the recent mentions search query, so that I can easily find past notifications intended for me.



https://mattermost.atlassian.net/browse/MM-23912 (MOBILE)




  • All valid mentions (triggering any notifications) are blue text (unless mentions are disabled for the channel as a permission)

  • All mentions that trigger a notification for YOU (the user viewing the post) would be blue text AND highlighted in yellow - as an identifier of what mentions in the post triggered the notification for the user.

As a user, I want to easily identify which group mentions triggered notifications for others, so that I can accurately assess who likely saw or will soon see a message.

As a user, I want to easily identify which group mentions were directed to me (and triggered notifications for me) so that I can quickly find content others want me to focus on.





Open Questions



Date Answered



Date Answered

Does this include role @mentions? Such as @system admin or @moderator, etc?

This is out of scope for MVP

Mar 31, 2020

How do we prevent disruptive invitations to a channel when attempting to mention users?

This will not be answered in MVP. We need to determine if this is a real problem through user feedback.

Mar 31, 2020

If I’m inviting a group name, and I can’t see the individuals / who’s in it - is this useful / would I use it?




  • disruptive invitations to a channel when attempting to mention users

  • security issue if we reveal users in specific groups

  • group invites may be limited by the current invite architecture having a max limit of invites sent at once (not batched on the backend)

  • group invites will have challenges with the current invite modal UX possibly feeling overwhelming in two ways, first will having a huge quantity of chips in the input field feel ok? second, will having a large number of invites listed in the confirmation screen feel ok?

Out of Scope / Deferred

  • Secret groups - groups that can be mentioned only and if no one from the group is in the channel, nothing happens (potentially with preview before joining)

  • Ability for users to ignore group mentions per channel

  • Specific Permission to allow mentioning Groups

  • Ability for users to mute or turn off notifications from group mentions

  • Ability for admins to restrict disabling of notifications for specific groups

  • System Admin ability to explicitly make a group available for invites - should only approach if comes in a request

  • System Admin ability to configure number of notifications that would trigger a warning dialogue prior to posting a group mention

  • Ability to invite groups to the team using the “invite people” flow ** For this item please note the third and fourth item under “Risks”

  • Channel Admin ability to granularly control which members can use group mentions (as part of Channel Moderation)

  • Show group member count in the group mention autocomplete

  • Ability to invite a group using the /invite command (or something similar)

  • Accurate count of how many people will be notified in how many different timezones when sending group notification

  • Quick invite option for channel member who mentions a group with no members currently on the team

  • Ability for channel member to specify which groups they will be notified for (account settings level)

    • This will allow display of group mentions in “Recent Mentions” area

  • Updated design for group configuration - group profiles needs improvement

  • Updated icons for groups

  • Make group mentions linkable (click a link and see a profile card? Maybe see who’s in the group?

  • Group filter for bulk enabling mentions (As an admin, I want to enable group mentions in bulk, so that I don’t have to tediously enable each group one by one)


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