UX Spec: Notifications Test Tool

UX Spec: Notifications Test Tool


It is currently difficult for users to confirm if their notifications are working as expected. This effort aims to give users a tool to trigger a test notification to themselves and confirm if they’re receiving notifications. We also want to equip users with an easy way to access instructions for enabling notifications based on the devices and clients they are using.

New Section Notice: Troubleshooting Notifications

We will add a section notice at the bottom of the Notifications settings in the account settings modal to help users who are facing notification issues. Users will be able to trigger a test notification to themselves on all the devices they are logged in on. We will also link relevant docs pages to help users understand how to troubleshoot their notifications based on the devices and clients they are using.

Triggering a test notification

Clicking on the Send a test notification button should trigger a DM to the user from the System bot. This DM message will be will be tagged to force-trigger a notification on all devices the user is logged in on, irrespective of the user’s global notification settings, any notification preferences for the System bot, and also irrespective of if the System bot is muted by the user.



Button states

Figma link


Notification preview



Troubleshooting docs

In case the user is still having issues, we should give them access to instructions that can help them resolve the issue based on the device(s) and client(s) they are using.

The tips and instructions will vary significantly based on the client they are on, so it will be crucial to give users easy access to the exact instructions that are relevant to them.

The proposal here is to enhance the notifications docs page, specifically the Missing notifications? section to include all these different instructions and present them based on the operating system and client of the user. Once we have that, while redirecting users to the docs page by clicking on the button in the product, we should try sending the user’s operating system and client data so that they land on the right instructions or have those options pre-selected.


Air-gapped workspaces

We can detect if the server is air-gapped (like we do in other places) and show a modal so users can easily copy the link to the troubleshooting docs.



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