Compass Icons - Cutting a Release
Compass Icons - Cutting a Release
Checkout latest master
Create a new branch for the new release version (e.g.
) and switch to that branch.In terminal, from the
repo folder, enternpm version patch
(for most minimal updates) ornpm version minor
ornpm version major
This updates the package.json file
Publish your branch
Create a pull request for the branch
Get it approved and merged in to
Once merged to master, go to the Releases page and click 'Draft new release'
Click 'Choose a tag' and type
(or the version you've created from the npm version above)Give the release a title with the version number (v0.1.47)
Add a description of what's been added to the release
Check 'Set as the latest release'
Click 'Publish release'
, multiple selections available,
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