Compass Icons - Cutting a Release

Compass Icons - Cutting a Release

  • Checkout latest master

  • Create a new branch for the new release version (e.g. version-bump-0.1.47) and switch to that branch.

  • In terminal, from the compass-icons repo folder, enter npm version patch (for most minimal updates) or npm version minor or npm version major

  • This updates the package.json file

  • Publish your branch

  • Create a pull request for the branch

  • Get it approved and merged in to master

  • Once merged to master, go to the Releases page and click 'Draft new release'

  • Click 'Choose a tag' and type 0.1.47 (or the version you've created from the npm version above)

  • Give the release a title with the version number (v0.1.47)

  • Add a description of what's been added to the release

  • Check 'Set as the latest release'

  • Click 'Publish release'

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