UX Specs: Cross-Team Search
  • Ready for review
  • UX Specs: Cross-Team Search

    Figma design - Figma Prototype

    Team Picker

    • Users would be able to search all teams by using the dropdown on the top right.

    • This dropdown contains all teams (no limit, no lazy loading, as we already have the teams loaded in the LHS, so we probably have data for all teams).

    • The team the user is on gets selected by default.

    • This dropdown resets back to the selected team when you open it again, thus your selection is not preserved.



    Team Selector

    The user can choose a team by clicking on that dropdown.

    You can only select one team at a time, or all teams. There is no option to multi select individual teams.

    Selecting a team also does not add any team:contributors text to the search input like some of the other filters.

    The list in this dropdown should be based on the team sidebar order.


    For more than 5 teams, the dropdown will have an autocomplete.

    All teams will show in the list. These teams will be based on the order the user has them in the teams sidebar.

    By default, the dropdown will be focused allowing users to search for a team, and the results below will filter based on the text types in the input.

    Any team selected will come to the top in this case, example shown below.






    If the user changes the team in the RHS dropdown, the search is reinitiated.


    Resetting channel filter

    If a user selects a channel on Team A, and then switch to Team B, we will remove the in: filter.

    A demo of that can be seen below, we will also show a hint that the in filter was removed.

    The filter will not be removed

    CleanShot 2024-08-23 at 22.10.09.mp4


    We would have the same behaviour on mobile.




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