Design Decisions
There is a decision to tie custom statuses to your actual (online/offline/away/dnd) status.
Do we tie your custom status to your online status?
Not For Phase 1
Adds additional complexity.
Statuses are one of the most fragile pieces of code right now. Tying your custom status to your default status would take a lot of dev effort and would involve an overhaul.
Tying custom statuses to your current status is also not a feature people have explicitly asked for. Even though one customer likes the idea, we still need to bring this up to a larger audience to gather possible interest from a bunch of customers and community for this specific feature.
Not tying custom statuses to your default status would also help us deliver the feature much more sooner, and have it more stable as well.
However, we understand that it provides us an opportunity to be much better than our competitors, and also allows us to provide much more power to your custom status. There are various statuses such as “In a meeting” or “Out Sick”, that would make use of the DND status, and offline status.
People using a custom status of In a meeting should have an option if they would like to mark themselves as DND.
Also note, that setting your status to a different one based on the custom status would be optional, so if users don’t want that feature, they can opt out and keep their current status.
Should we “design” the experience with the link between your default status and custom status in mind.
Yes, and that is something that is already considered.
Designs for that can be seen here: Figma Prototype