Document version 1.0
Status: Test Completed
Document Version | Description | Date |
0.0 | Initial version | 10/06 |
1.0 | Test Completed (for v1.0 updated features) | 10/14 |
This document details the tests for Incident Response plugin v0.6.0. The tests are derived from the user stories in the requirements for 0.8 and Figma for MVP.
This document covers the cases for the user stories as outlined in the Incident Response MVP.
Admin - A user with system administrator privileges.
Normal user - A user with non-system administrator privileges.
Test Server - A list of test server versions used in testing including Mattermost server and Marketplace Server
Main menu - Hamburger menu on the LHS.
Incident Response icon - The Incident Response plugin icon that appears on the channel header
Commander - The user who owns an incident. The user who starts the incident is designated the commander by default.
Incident member/incident channel member - A user who has been added to the incident channel.
Non-incident user - A user who has not been added to the incident channel.
Active incident - An incident that has not been ended.
Ongoing incident - Same as Active Incident.
Inactive incident - An incident that has been ended.
Incident RHS - The RHS sidebar that opens upon clicking the incident response icon and displays incidents.
Incident Backstage - The backstage view that shows the incident list.
Playbook Backstage - The backstage view that shows the playbook list.
Mobile - Mobile app in iOS and mobile app in Android
The tests in this test plans are written with the assumption that:
Test steps mentioning “mobile” will be executed in both iOS and Android RN mobile apps.
The tests outlined in this document is to be executed against the Incident Response plugin v1.0.
This version of the plugin can be installed and used in Mattermost instances that aren’t equipped with any enterprise license.
The Incident Response plugin can function as a standalone plugin that does not require to talk to any other Mattermost plugin.
This version of the Incident Response plugin will function properly only in the latest version of Mattermost.
The tests will be executed in the latest version of Mattermost.
Testing is primarily done on browser (Chrome), with spot checks on other web browsers, desktop app, RN mobile app and mobile web browser app.
The tests in this document are executed as a normal user (see glossary above) unless otherwise specified in the tests.
The test cases that pass for a normal user will also pass for a system administrator.
Plugin uploads is enabled in server instance
“EnableUploads” option under “PluginSettings” in mattermost-server’s config.json is set to 'true'.
The channel export feature defined in the user story is dependent on the existence of the Channel Export plugin being installed and enabled in the test server.
Private channels cannot be converted into public channel, hence private incidents cannot be converted to public incidents.
Document Setup
For the practicality of running tests easily, test cases are arranged in sequential order when necessary, following the preceding test case.
Test Setup
The following setup will be necessary in order to begin testing:
A Mattermost test server running the latest version.
The test server may not need to be equipped with an EE license.
Incident Plugin v1.0.
Channel Export Plugin v0.2
Test Server:
Test Server (upgrade tests): n/a
Build Hash: 66a01205
EE Build Hash: 286ecc8
Webapp Build Hash: bf35a10
Incident Response plugin version: 1.0.0-alpha.3
Test Date: 10/13/2020
Test Area - IR mobile slash commands general test | |||||
Test ID | Test Case | Test Steps | Result | Notes | E2E test done |
1 |
| Pass | ||
2 | Typing |
| Pass | ||
3 | The slash command options in the popup is scrollable |
| Pass | ||
4 | “Execute current command” is highlighted by default in pop up options |
| Pass in webapp |
Test Area - User must be able to start an incident on mobile app | |||||
Test ID | Test Case | Test Steps | Result | Notes | E2E test done |
5 |
| Pass | ||
6 | Issuing |
| Pass | ||
7 | Incident creation screen on mobile shows all the fields as the the incident creation page on webapp |
| Pass | ||
8 | Tap “Create a playbook” link in incident creation screen takes the user to the playbook creation screen? |
| Fail | Says “Link not found in server” | |
9 | Starting an incident requires a playbook to be selected |
| Pass | ||
10 | Starting an incident requires an incident name |
| Pass | ||
11 | User can start an incident on mobile app using |
| Pass | ||
13 | When incident is started from mobile app, a system message is posted in the channel from where incident is started |
| Pass |
Test Area - User must be able to see the list of tasks in the current stage in mobile app | |||||
Test ID | Test Case | Test Steps | Result | Notes | E2E test done |
14 |
| Pass | ||
15 | On mobile app, issuing |
| Pass | ||
16 | On mobile, issuing |
| Pass | ||
17 | On webapp, issuing |
| Pass | Yes - E2E test PR | |
18 | On webapp, issuing | Continue from the above test
| Pass | ||
19 | On webapp, issuing | Continue from the above test
| Pass | ||
20 | On webapp, issuing | Continue from the above test
| Pass | Yes - E2E test PR |
Test Area - User must be able to see all their incidents in mobile app | |||||
Test ID | Test Case | Test Steps | Result | Notes | E2E test done |
21 |
| Pass | ||
22 | Issuing an | 0. Install a fresh server.
| Pass | ||
23 | Issuing |
| Pass | ||
24 | Issuing | Continue from the above test
| Pass | ||
Issuing | Pass | ||||
Issuing | Pass | ||||
25 | Issuing | Continue from the above test
| Pass | ||
26 | Issuing | Continue from the above test
| Pass | ||
27 | Issuing |
| Pass | ||
28 | Issuing |
| Pass | ||
29 |
| Invalid because only 10 of the most recent ongoing incidents are shown. |
Test Area - User must be able to change commander in mobile app | |||||
Test ID | Test Case | Test Steps | Result | Notes | E2E test done |
30 |
| Pass | ||
31 | Issuing |
| Pass | ||
32 | Issuing | In mobile
| Pass | ||
33 |
| Pass | ||
34 |
| Pass | ||
35 |
| Pass | ||
36 |
| Continue from the above test
| Pass | ||
37 | An incident channel member can see a dropdown for users under “Commander” in details view | Covered in older release tests (will be reorganized later). | |||
38 | Incident channel members are listed in the user dropdown list | ||||
39 | An incident channel member can be searched by a commander in the user dropdown list | (0.3) | |||
40 | A non-incident channel member cannot be searched in the user dropdown list | ||||
41 | A bot message is posted to the incident channel when commander is changed. |
Test Area - User must be able to change incident name in mobile app – (this is in Confluence) is this still valid? | |||||
Test ID | Test Case | Test Steps | Result | Notes | E2E test done |
User is able to change a private incident name in mobile app |
| Pass | |||
User is able to change a public incident name in mobile app |
| Pass |
Test Area - Incident List View for Team Members (Webapp only) | |||||
Test ID | Test Case | Test Steps | Result | Notes | E2E test done |
42 | Clicking on the incident icon when there are no incidents, opens the incident RHS to the “welcome” message |
| Pass | ||
43 | With incidents ongoing, clicking on the incident icon when user is in non-incident channel RHS opens up with the incident list for the user | Continue from the above test.
| Pass | ||
44 | With incidents ongoing, clicking on the incident icon when user is in incident channel with RHS open, shows the current incident details | Continue from the above test.
| Pass | ||
45 | Switching from one incident channel to another incident channel with the RHS details view open will switch to the selected incident’s detail view in the RHS | Continue fromt he above test.
| Pass | ||
46 | The incident RHS list view has a “Start Incident” button in the RHS header | Continue from the above test.
| Pass | ||
47 | The “Start Incident” button in the RHS header opens up the incident creation modal | Continue from the above test.
| Pass | ||
48 | The incident RHS list view has a “Create Playbook” button | Continue from the above test.
| Pass | ||
49 | A user can only see the incident he/she is a member of in the incident RHS list view | Continue from the above test.
| Pass | ||
50 | A user cannot see a public incident in the incident RHS if he/she is not a member of that incident |
| Pass | ||
51 | “Click here to see all incidents” link in the bottom of the incident RHS list view takes the user to the incident backstage |
| Pass | ||
52 | The incident RHS details view has a “back arrow” that brings a user to the incident list view in RHS | Continue from the above test.
| Pass | ||
53 | Viewing the incident list from an incident channel highlights the current incident | Continue from the above test.
| Pass | ||
54 | “Go to Incident Channel” takes the user to the associated incident channel | Continue from the above test.
| Pass | ||
56 | “Websocket updates should reflect changes automatically.” → what are the websocket updates? | Pass |
Test Area - User must be able to step through the incident stages in mobile app | |||||
Test ID | Test Case | Test Steps | Result | Notes | E2E test done |
| Pass | ||||
| Pass | ||||
| Pass | ||||
Running | Pass | ||||
Running | Pass | ||||
Running `/incident stage next' while in the non-final stage sets the active stage to the next stage | Pass | ||||
Running | Pass | ||||
Running | Pass | ||||
Running | Pass | ||||
Running | Pass | ||||
Running | Pass |
Regression Tests:
Test Area - Plugin Setup | |||||
Test ID | Test Case | Test Steps | Result | Notes | E2E test done |
A cloud server has the IR plugin v1.0 installed by default | Verify as system administrator | ||||
A cloud server has the IR plugin enabled by default | |||||
The IR plugin can be disabled in a cloud server | |||||
The IR plugin can be removed from a cloud server | |||||
The IR plugin can be installed in an on-premises server that is equipped with an E20 license | |||||
The IR plugin can be enabled normally in an on-premises server that is equipped with an E20 license | |||||
The IR plugin can be disabled in an on-premises server that is equipped with an E20 license | |||||
The IR plugin can be removed from an on-premises server that is equipped with an E20 license. | |||||
The IR plugin cannot be enabled in an on-premises server that is equipped with an E10 license | |||||
The IR plugin can be removed from an on-premises server that is equipped with an E10 license | |||||
The IR plugin cannot be enabled in an on-premises EE server that is not equipped with any license | |||||
The IR plugin can be removed from an on-premises EE server that is not equipped with any license | |||||
The IR plugin cannot be enabled in an on-premises TE server | |||||
The IR plugin can be removed from an on-premises TE server |
Test Area - User role functionality access for Incident Response plugin | |||||
Test ID | Test Case | Test Steps | Result | Notes | E2E test done |
System administrator can access the plugin functionality | |||||
Non-admin user can access the plugin functionality | |||||
Guest user can access the plugin functionality | |||||
Other user roles being introduced in 5.28 can access the plugin functionality |
Test Area - Incident creation | |||||
Test ID | Test Case | Test Steps | Result | Notes | E2E test done |
Channel Name input box is focused when incident response modal pops up |
| (0.1) | |||
Incident is started when |
| (0.1) | |||
Incident creation is cancelled when |
| (0.1) | |||
Channel name in Incident Details modal cannot be empty |
| ||||
Incident Response modal opens when starting an incident with slash command in public channel | (0.1) | ||||
Incident Response modal opens when starting an incident with slash command in private channel | (0.1) | Yes | |||
Incident Response modal opens when starting an incident with slash command in group message channel | (0.1) | Yes | |||
Incident Response modal opens when starting an incident with slash command in direct message channel | (0.1) | Yes | |||
Incident Response modal opens when starting an incident with slash command in direct message with self | (0.1) | Yes | |||
Incident Response modal opens when starting an incident from RHS in a public channel | (0.1) | Yes | |||
Incident Response modal opens when starting an incident from RHS in a private channel | (0.1) | Yes | |||
Incident Response modal opens when starting an incident from RHS in a GM channel | (0.1) | Yes | |||
Incident Response modal opens when starting an incident from RHS in a DM channel | (0.1) | Yes | |||
Incident Response modal opens when starting an incident from RHS in a DM with self | (0.1) | Yes | |||
Incident Response modal opens when starting an incident from post menu in public channel | (0.1) | Yes | |||
Incident Response modal opens when starting an incident from post menu in private channel | (0.1) | Yes | |||
Incident Response modal opens when starting an incident from post menu in GM channel | (0.1) | Yes | |||
Incident Response modal opens when starting an incident from post menu in DM channel | (0.1) | Yes | |||
Incident Response modal opens when starting an incident from post menu in DM with self | (0.1) | Yes | |||
User who started an incident is the commander of the incident by default | (0.2) | ||||
A message is posted to the channel when the incident starts |
| (0.2) | |||
User is taken to incident channel after starting an incident |
| (0.2) | |||
In RN mobile app, user is notified with an ephemeral message with link to the incident channel |
| (0.2) |
Test Area - Incident channels | |||||
Test ID | Test Case | Test Steps | Result | Notes | E2E test done |
The incident channel can be renamed |
| (0.2) | |||
The incident channel is linked properly when renamed |
| (0.2) | |||
Test Area - Incident ending | |||||
Test ID | Test Case | Test Steps | Result | Notes | E2E test done |
Issuing an |
| (0.2) | |||
A message is posted to the channel when the incident ends using slash command |
| (0.2) | |||
A message is posted to the channel when the incident ends using RHS |
| (0.2) | |||
Ending an incident shows a confirmation modal |
| (0.2) | |||
End incident confirmation modal can be dismissed by clicking Cancel |
| (0.2) | |||
End incident confirmation modal can dismissed by pressing Esc |
| (0.2) | |||
Incident member can end incident | (0.2) | ||||
Non-member cannot end incident | (0.2) | ||||
Incident cannot be ended from outside the incident channel |
| (0.2) | |||
Test Area - Incident Response plugin icon in channel header | |||||
Test ID | Test Case | Test Steps | Result | Notes | E2E test done |
Clicking the Incident Response plugin icon on header toggles the RHS open and close |
| (0.2) | |||
Test Area - Incident Response RHS Details | |||||
Test ID | Test Case | Test Steps | Result | Notes | E2E test done |
Incident Response RHS shows incidents for respective teams |
| (0.2) | |||
An incident appears on the RHS when started without having to refresh the list |
| (0.2) | |||
An incident disappears from the RHS when ended without having to refresh the list |
| (0.2) | |||
User who is not added to incident channel cannot check off items in incident checklist |
| (0.2) | |||
User who is not added to incident channel cannot uncheck items in incident checklist |
| (0.2) | |||
User, who is added to the incident channel, can check off items in incident checklist |
| (0.2) | |||
User, who is added to the incident channel, can uncheck items checked off by the commander |
| (0.2) | |||
An active stage is annotated with |
| ||||
Non-active stages are not annotated with | Continue with the above test.
| ||||
Selecting a non-active stage from the RHS dropdown shows a | Continue with the above test.
| ||||
Incident commander can set a different stage as | Continue with the above test.
| ||||
Workflow member can set a different stage as | Continue with the above test.
| ||||
Workflow member | Continue with the above test.
| ||||
Workflow member can set a different stage as | Continue with the above test.
| ||||
Plugin posts a message in the incident channel when changing an active stage | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
Workflow member views the active stage by default in incident RHS | Continue with the above test.
| ||||
When an active stage is changed by a different user, the stage selected in the RHS remains as is but without the | Continue with the above test.
| ||||
In case of only one stage, the stage is set as active by default |
| ||||
In case of multiple stages, the first stage is set as active by default |
| ||||
Switching between the stages does not set the stage as active | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
Selecting an active stage from the RHS dropdown does not show a | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
Workflow member can check items off of stages that are active | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
Workflow member can uncheck items of stages that are not active | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
Workflow member can check off items of an ongoing incident | |||||
Workflow member | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
Workflow member can checkoff items of a restarted incident | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
The | |||||
Selecting a different stage in the RHS shows the checklist corresponding to that stage |
| ||||
Saving a playbook with only one stage and leaving the stage name empty, will create an incident with stage “Default Stage” |
| ||||
Any workflow member can switch between the stages in the RHS in an ongoing incident | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
Any workflow member can switch between the stages in the RHS in an incident that has been ended | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
Any workflow member can switch between the stages in the RHS in an incident that has been restarted | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
Selecting a different stage will not change the default active stage view upon page refresh | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
Selecting a different stage will not change the stage view for a different workflow member | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
Stage title should state the current and total number of stages as X/Y | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
Step owners | |||||
Checklist item in the RHS has a dropdown for assignee | Continue from the above tests.
| ||||
By default, checklist item does not have any assignee | Continue from the above tests.
| ||||
The assignee dropdown shows the list of workflow members | Continue from the above tests.
| ||||
The assignee dropdown does not show users that are not workflow members | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
A checklist item can be checked off without an assignee | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
A checklist item can be unchecked without an assignee | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
Workflow member can select him/herself as the checklist assignee | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
Workflow member can select a different workflow member as the checklist assignee | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
Workflow member can change assignee from him/herself to ‘No Assignee’ for a checklist item | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
Workflow member can change another workflow member to ‘No Assignee’ for a checklist item | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
Plugin posts a message in incident channel when an assignee is selected | Continue from the above tests.
| ||||
Plugin posts a message in incident channel when ‘No Assignee’ is selected | Continue from the above tests.
| ||||
Workflow member cannot select multiple assignees | Continue from the above tests.
| ||||
Workflow member cannot select a different assignee in an incident that is ended | Continue from the above tests.
| ||||
Workflow member can select a different assignee in an incident that is restarted | Continue for the above tests.
| ||||
Assignee does not change when a workflow member leaves the workflow channel | Continue form the above tests.
| ||||
The assignee dropdown list gets updated when a workflow member is kicked from the channel | Continue from the above tests.
| ||||
Assignee does not change when a workflow member is kicked from the workflow channel | Continue from the above tests.
| ||||
The assignee dropdown list gets updated when a workflow member leaves the channel | Continue from the above tests.
| ||||
The assignee dropdown list gets updated when a new member is added to the workflow channel | Continue from the above tests.
| ||||
An assignee can checkoff a checklist item | Continue from the above tests.
| ||||
An assignee can uncheck a checklist item | Continue from the above tests.
| ||||
A non-assignee can checkoff a checklist item | Continue from the above tests.
| ||||
A non-assignee can uncheck a checklist item | Continue from the above tests.
| ||||
Slash command execution | |||||
A checklist item configured without a slash command does not have a |
| ||||
A checklist item configured with a valid slash command has a | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
Clicking the | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
Running a slash command with system message attached to it posts the slash command system message in the incident channel | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
In case of two valid slash commands, running the command from the checklist item will only run the first command successfully | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
A slash command can be run multiple times from the RHS checklist | Continue from the above tests.
| ||||
A plugin post notifies when a slash command fails to run successfully | Verify that when a slash command fails to execute by clicking the |
Test Area - Team scoping | |||||
Test ID | Test Case | Test Steps | Result | Notes | E2E test done |
A normal user cannot view the incidents in another team |
| (0.2) | |||
Incident details in RHS lists the incident channels associated with it |
| (0.2) | |||
A playbook created in Team X is not visible for Team Y’s incident creation |
| ||||
A playbook created in Team X is not visible in Team Y’s Playbook Backstage |
Test Area - Incident channel permissions | |||||
Test ID | Test Case | Test Steps | Result | Notes | E2E test done |
A normal user can’t end an incident after being removed from the incident channel |
| (0.2) | |||
User can make a public incident |
| ||||
User can make a private incident |
| ||||
Converting a public incident channel into private, makes the incident private |
| ||||
Non participant cannot access a previously public incident converted to a private incident | Continue the test from above.
| ||||
Non participant cannot access a new private incident |
| ||||
Private incidents cannot be searched in backstage by non-participants. | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
Public incidents are visible only within the incident’s team |
| ||||
Private incidents are visible only within the incident’s team |
| ||||
Public incidents cannot be searched in a different team’s incident backstage |
| ||||
System administrator cannot see a private incident |
| ||||
System administrator can join a private incident | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
System administrator can view a private incident details | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
System administrator can check and uncheck items in private incidents | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
System administrator can end a private incident | Continue from the above test.
Test Area - Incident task checkoff | |||||
Test ID | Test Case | Test Steps | Result | Notes | E2E test done |
A bot message is posted in incident channel when an item in checklist is checked |
| (0.2) | |||
“Item checked” post in incident channel shows the username of user who checked the item | Continue from the above test:
| (0.2) | |||
Checking an item shows the timestamp to the right of the checklist item of when the item was checked off | Continue from the above test:
| (0.2) | |||
A bot message is posted in incident channel when an item in checklist is unchecked |
| (0.2) | |||
“Item checked” post in incident channel shows the username of user who unchecked the item | Continue from the above test:
| (0.2) | |||
A bot message is posted in incident channel when an item is removed from an incident checklist |
| (0.2) | |||
“Item removed from incident checklist” post in incident channel shows the username of who removed the item | Continue from the above test:
| (0.2) | |||
“Item removed from incident checklist” post in incident channel shows the timestamp of when the item was removed | Continue from the above test:
| (0.2) | |||
Items checked more than a day ago shows the day along with timestamp of when the item was checked | ?? copied from v0.3. needs to be updated. |
Test Area - Playbook backstage | |||||
Test ID | Test Case | Test Steps | Result | Notes | E2E test done |
Clicking “Incidents & Playbooks Backstage” in the main menu opens Incidents backstage |
| ||||
Backstage shows a tab for incidents | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
Clicking on “Incidents” tab on backstage header highlights the Incidents tab | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
Clicking on “Incidents” tab on backstage header loads the list of all incidents | Continue from the above test.
| Yes | |||
When no playbook exists, the backstage shows an empty playbook list |
| (0.3) | |||
A “delete playbook confirmation” dialog pops up when deleting a playbook |
| (0.3) | |||
A “delete playbook” can be canceled |
| (0.3) | |||
A playbook can be deleted from the backstage |
| (0.3) | |||
A deleted playbook does not affect previously started incident using that playbook | Continue from the above test.
| (0.3) |
Test Area - Incident list backstage | |||||
Test ID | Test Case | Test Steps | Result | Notes | E2E test done |
Incidents list view displays the team name the incidents belong to | |||||
Incident list in the backstage displays the following columns: name, status, start timestamp, end timestamp and the commander | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
The incident list in the backstage shows all ongoing incidents that belong to the current team only |
| ||||
The incident list in the backstage shows all inactive incidents that belong to the current team only |
| ||||
Active incidents show an “Ongoing” status in the | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
Inactive incidents (ended incidents) show an “Ended” status in the | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
The incident list in the backstage shows updated end timestamp for an incident | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
An active incident shows “--” in End Date column | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
The incident list in the backstage shows updated commander for an incident |
| ||||
The incident names in the “Name” column render as clickable links | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
Long incident name wraps in the “Name” column displaying the entire incident name |
Test Area - Incident details backstage | |||||
Test ID | Test Case | Test Steps | Result | Notes | E2E test done |
User cannot view incident summary if the user is not an incident member | |||||
From the incidents list in the backstage, user can navigate to incident summary upon clicking the incident name of an active incident if the user is an incident member | |||||
From the incidents list in the backstage, user can navigate to incident summary upon clicking the incident name of an inactive incident | |||||
Incident summary page displays the incident name as the page heading | |||||
Incident summary page has a “<“ button that brings a user back to the incidents list view | |||||
Incident summary page bears a link to the incident channel | |||||
Hovering on the incident channel link shows a tooltip suggesting that it’s a shortcut to the incident channel | |||||
Clicking on incident channel link of active incidents brings the user to the incident channel | |||||
Incident summary shows the current status of the incident | |||||
Incident summary shows the current commander of the incident | |||||
For active incidents, incident summary shows the duration of how long the incident has been active for | |||||
For inactive incidents, incident summary shows the duration of how long the incident remained active for before the incident ended | |||||
For active incidents, incident summary shows the current number of members in the incident channel | |||||
For an inactive incident, incident summary shows the number of members in the incident channel when the incident was ended | |||||
For active incident, incident summary shows the total number of messages in the incident channel | |||||
For inactive incident, incident summary shows the total number of messages in the archived channel of the inactive incident | |||||
Test Area - Playbook creation | |||||
Test ID | Test Case | Test Steps | Result | Notes | E2E test done |
Canceling new playbook does not save the playbook |
| (0.3) | |||
Clicking on “ ← Back to Mattermost” brings user back to normal channel | Continue from the above test.
| (0.3) | |||
A new playbook can be saved from the Playbook backstage | Continue from the above test.
| (0.3) | |||
A playbook can be edited from the Playbook backstage | Continue from the above test.
| (0.3) | |||
Playbook can be edited to change public incident creation setting to private | Continue from the above tests.
| ||||
Playbook can be edited to change private incident creation setting to public | Continue from the above tests.
| ||||
Playbook creator can edit playbook |
| ||||
Any playbook member can edit playbook to add a new member | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
Any playbook member can edit playbook to remove an existing member | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
A playbook member cannot edit playbook to remove all the members of the playbook | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
Any playbook member can edit playbook to change the private/public incident setting | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
Any playbook member can edit playbook to add a new stage | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
A playbook can have multiple stages with the same stage name |
| ||||
A playbook member can edit playbook to add a new checklist item to a stage added by themself | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
Any playbook member can edit playbook to add a new checklist item to a stage added by a different member | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
A playbook member cannot edit playbook such that the playbook name field is empty | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
Any playbook member can reorder the checklist items within a stage | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
Any playbook member can reorder the checklist items within different stages | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
A playbook member cannot reorder the playbook such that the checklist items can be pulled outside a stage | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
Any playbook member can delete a checklist item | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
Any playbook member can reorder the stages | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
A playbook member cannot reorder the playbook such that the stages can be nested | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
Any playbook member can delete a stage | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
A playbook member cannot delete the last remaining stage such that the playbook has no stages at all | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
Any playbook member can delete playbook | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
A playbook member can create playbook with a large number of stages |
| ||||
A playbook member can create playbook with a large number of checklist items within the stages | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
The components in the playbook edit page render normally | Verify the appearance of the components in the playbook edit page. | ||||
Slash commands | |||||
A newly added checklist item in a playbook has a slash command field |
| ||||
A playbook can be edited to add a slash command to any checklist item | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
A checklist item configured with a slash command shows the slash command for that item in the RHS | Continue from the above tests.
| ||||
Focusing in the slash command field brings up a list of existing slash commands |
| ||||
Selecting from the slash command list auto completes the slash command | Continue from the above tests.
| ||||
The slash command field can be left empty | Continue from the above tests.
Test Area - Playbook permissions | |||||
Test ID | Test Case | Test Steps | Result | Notes | E2E test done |
Users who have access to a playbook can limit playbook access to specific users |
| ||||
Any playbook member can edit users who have access to playbook | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
User removed by any member of a playbook can no longer access playbook | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
Playbook member can limit playbook access to specific users |
| ||||
Playbook member can edit users who have access to playbook | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
User removed by system admin can no longer access playbook | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
Last playbook member cannot be removed from the playbook |
Test Area - Playbook + Incident interaction | |||||
Test ID | Test Case | Test Steps | Result | Notes | E2E test done |
Playbooks created from backstage show up on the incident creation interactive dialog’s Playbook dropdown |
| (0.3) | |||
Selecting predefined playbook auto-populates an incident’s checklist | Continue from the above test.
| (0.3) | |||
Tasks edited on backstage reflects properly during incident creation | Continue from the above test.
| (0.3) | |||
Tasks edited on backstage does not affected previously started incident's checklist | Continue from the above test.
| (0.3) |
Test Area - Channel Export Integration | |||||
Test ID | Test Case | Test Steps | Result | Notes | E2E test done |
When Channel Export plugin is not installed, the “Export Incident Channel” link is inactive |
| ||||
When Channel Export plugin is not installed, hovering over the “Export Incident Channel” link shows a message to “install the channel export plugin” | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
When Channel Export plugin is installed in an instance with no EE license, the “Export Incident Channel” link is inactive |
| ||||
When Channel Export plugin is installed in an instance with no EE license, hovering on the “Export Incident Channel” link shows a message that “E20 license is required” | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
When Channel Export plugin is installed in an instance with an E10 license, the “Export Incident” link is inactive |
| ||||
When Channel Export plugin is installed in an instance with an E10 license, hovering on the “Export Incident Channel” link shows a message that “E20 license is required” | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
When Channel export plugin is installed but not enabled, the “Export Incident Channel” link is inactive |
| ||||
When Channel Export plugin is installed but not enabled, hovering over the “Export Incident Channel” shows “enable the plugin” message | Continue from the above test.
| ||||
When Channel Export plugin is installed and enabled, an active “Export Incident Channel” link and icon is available in the incident details view as an active link |
| ||||
A system admin can export the incident channel the admin is a member of by clicking “Export Incident Channel” link |
| ||||
A system admin can export the incident channel the admin is NOT a member of by clicking “Export Incident Channel” link |
| ||||
An incident member can export the incident channel by clicking “Export Incident Channel” link |
| ||||
The exported csv file captures the contents of the incident channel |
| ||||
Exporting an ended incident channel from backstage exports the channel |
| ||||
Once the Channel Export plugin is disabled, the “Export Incident Channel” link should deactivate again |
| ||||
Verify the appearance of the “Export Incident Channel” link and icon appear in dark theme |
| ||||
Verify the appearance of the “Export Incident Channel” link and icon appear in light theme |
| ||||
Verify the appearance of the “Export Incident Channel” link and icon appear in other themes |
Test Area - | |||||
Test ID | Test Case | Test Steps | Result | Notes | E2E test done |
Test Area - Preservation of incident data | |||||
Test ID | Test Case | Test Steps | Result | Notes | E2E test done |
Incident data is preserved even after disabling the plugin |
| (0.1) | |||
Test Area - UI | ||||
Test ID | Test Case | Test Procedure | Result | Notes |
50 | Test UI in light theme |
| ||
51 | Test UI in dark theme |
| ||
52 | Test UI in Monokai theme |
Can a non-commander change the commander in an incident?