Document version 0.1
Status: Test Plan ready for Review.
Test Area - Assign step owners | ||||
Test ID | Test Case | Test Steps | Result | Notes |
65 | Checklist item in the RHS has a dropdown for assignee | Continue from the above tests.
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66 | By default, checklist item does not have any assignee | Continue from the above tests.
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67 | The assignee dropdown shows the list of workflow members | Continue from the above tests.
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68 | The assignee dropdown does not show users that are not workflow members | Continue from the above test.
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69 | A checklist item can be checked off without an assignee | Continue from the above test.
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70 | A checklist item can be unchecked without an assignee | Continue from the above test.
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71 | Workflow member can select him/herself as the checklist assignee | Continue from the above test.
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72 | Workflow member can select a different workflow member as the checklist assignee | Continue from the above test.
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73 | Workflow member can change assignee from him/herself to ‘No Assignee’ for a checklist item | Continue from the above test.
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74 | Workflow member can change another workflow member to ‘No Assignee’ for a checklist item | Continue from the above test.
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75 | Plugin posts a message in incident channel when an assignee is selected | Continue from the above tests.
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76 | Plugin posts a message in incident channel when ‘No Assignee’ is selected | Continue from the above tests.
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77 | Workflow member cannot select multiple assignees | Continue from the above tests.
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78 | Workflow member cannot select a different assignee in an incident that is ended | Continue from the above tests.
| Valid for ended incident? | |
79 | Workflow member can select a different assignee in an incident that is restarted | Continue for the above tests.
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80 | Assignee does not change when a workflow member leaves the workflow channel | Continue form the above tests.
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81 | The assignee dropdown list gets updated when a workflow member is kicked from the channel | Continue from the above tests.
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82 | Assignee does not change when a workflow member is kicked from the workflow channel | Continue from the above tests.
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83 | The assignee dropdown list gets updated when a workflow member leaves the channel | Continue from the above tests.
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84 | The assignee dropdown list gets updated when a new member is added to the workflow channel | Continue from the above tests.
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85 | An assignee can checkoff a checklist item | Continue from the above tests.
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86 | An assignee can uncheck a checklist item | Continue from the above tests.
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87 | A non-assignee can checkoff a checklist item | Continue from the above tests.
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88 | A non-assignee can uncheck a checklist item | Continue from the above tests.
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89 |
| At the moment you can’t assign an item in the backstage, but that seems useful. Ian Tao (Unlicensed) ? |
Test Area (v0.7) - Attach a slash command to each step when editing playbook | ||||
Test ID | Test Case | Test Steps | Result | Notes |
90 | A newly added checklist item in a playbook has a slash command field |
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91 | A playbook can be edited to add a slash command to any checklist item | Continue from the above test.
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92 | A checklist item configured with a slash command shows the slash command for that item in the RHS | Continue from the above tests.
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93 | A checklist item can only be configured with one slash command at most |
| Valid? I think this should be allowed (there’s no technical reason it can’t). Ian Tao (Unlicensed) ? | |
94 | Typing an invalid slash command | There’s nothing preventing the user from typing an invalid slash command. |
Test Area (v0.7) - Execute the attached slash command with a button click The tests below might need to get adjusted (or added) to match Revised step execution: | ||||
Test ID | Test Case | Test Steps | Result | Notes |
100 | A checklist item configured without a slash command does not have a |
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101 | A checklist item configured with a valid slash command has a | Continue from the above test.
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102 | A checklist item configured with an invalid slash command does not have a | Continue from the above test.
| This doesn’t happen currently. It would require us to spend mana on validating the slash command. | |
103 | A checklist item configured with a nonexistent slash command does not have a | Continue from the above test.
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104 | Clicking the | Continue from the above test.
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105 | Plugin posts a message in the incident channel when a slash command | Continue from the above test.
| A message that the checklist item slash command was run (not the slash command system message) Ian Tao (Unlicensed) should we make a ticket for this feature? We currently don’t do it, but it makes sense. | |
106 | Running a slash command with system message attached to it post the slash command system message in the incident channel | Continue from the above test.
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107 | In case of two valid slash commands, the running the command from the checklist item will only run the first command successfully | Continue from the above test.
| This is in sync with the core feature behavior Seems correct to me (ChrisP) | |
108 | Running an invalid slash command from RHS checklist shows an ‘invalid slash command’ error | Depends on the steps in #102. | Like core feature? | |
109 | A slash command can be run multiple times from the RHS checklist | Continue from the above tests.
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110 | A plugin post notifies when a slash command fails to run successfully | Verify that when a slash command fails to execute by clicking the |