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Document version 0.1

Status: Test Plan ready for Review.


Test Area - Assign step owners

Test ID

Test Case

Test Steps




Checklist item in the RHS has a dropdown for assignee

Continue from the above tests.

  1. As user-1 start a new incident “N1” using “P5” from the above tests.

  2. In the incident RHS for “N1”, verify that the checklist items for “S1” has a “No Assignee” (assignee) dropdown field under “C1”.

  3. Select “S2” from the “Stages” dropdown.

  4. Since “S2” has no checklist item, verify there is no assignee dropdown field.

  5. Select “S3” from the “Stages” dropdown.

  6. Verify that all the three checklist items for “S3” have the assignee dropdown fields under the checklist items.


By default, checklist item does not have any assignee

Continue from the above tests.

  1. Verify that non of the checklist items for “N1”, “S1”, “S2” and “S3”, do not have any assignee on the checlist items.


The assignee dropdown shows the list of workflow members

Continue from the above tests.

  1. While “S3” is selected, click on the “No Assignee” dropdown for “Ca”.

  2. Verify that dropdown opens up with user-1 in the list.

  3. Verify there is a search attached to the dropdown when it opens.


The assignee dropdown does not show users that are not workflow members

Continue from the above test.

  1. In the dropdown, verify that there is no other user listed other than user-1.

  2. In the search box for “No assignee”, type the user name for user-2.

  3. Verify that user-2 does not appear in the dropdown.


A checklist item can be checked off without an assignee

Continue from the above test.

  1. From the stages dropdown, select “S1”.

  2. Ensure that the checklist items of “S1” have no assignees.

  3. Click on the “C1” and “C2” checkboxes.

  4. Verify that the items are checked off.


A checklist item can be unchecked without an assignee

Continue from the above test.

  1. Continue with “S1” selected.

  2. Ensure that the checklist items of “S1” have no assignees.

  3. Uncheck the previously checked “C1” and “C2”.

  4. Verify that the items are unchecked.


Workflow member can select him/herself as the checklist assignee

Continue from the above test.

  1. Continue with “S1” selected.

  2. For item “C1” click the assignee dropdown.

  3. Select user-1 (current user) from the list.

  4. Verify that the assignee dropdown field shows user-1 as the assignee.


Workflow member can select a different workflow member as the checklist assignee

Continue from the above test.

  1. Invite user-2 in the “N1” incident channel.

  2. In the “N1” incident RHS, under “C2”, click the assignee dropdown.

  3. Verify that user-2 is now available in the list.

  4. Select user-2.

  5. Verify that user-2 is now assigned checklist item “C2”.


Workflow member can change assignee from him/herself to ‘No Assignee’ for a checklist item

Continue from the above test.

  1. Switch to user-2.

  2. Find the “N1” incident channel navigate to it.

  3. From the “N1” incident RHS, select “S1” if not already selected as the stage.

  4. Click the assignee dropdown for “C2”.

  5. Verify there is a “No Assignee” option available under the search bar.

  6. Click on “No Assignee”.

  7. Verify that “C2” has no assignee.


Workflow member can change another workflow member to ‘No Assignee’ for a checklist item

Continue from the above test.

  1. As user-2, assign checklist item “C2” to the him/herself.

  2. Switch to user-1.

  3. Find incident channel for “N1”.

  4. Navigate to it.

  5. From the incident RHS, select stage “S1” if not already selected.

  6. Ensure user-2 is the assignee for “C2”.

  7. Under “C2”, click the assignee dropdown.

  8. Click on “No Assignee”.

  9. Verify that the item has no assignee.


Plugin posts a message in incident channel when an assignee is selected

Continue from the above tests.

  1. Verify that when assigning a checklist item to a workflow member generates a plugin message to notify the action in the center channel.


Plugin posts a message in incident channel when ‘No Assignee’ is selected

Continue from the above tests.

  1. Verify that when selecting “No Assignee” for a checklist item, the plugin generates a message to notify the action in the center channel.


Workflow member cannot select multiple assignees

Continue from the above tests.

  1. From the incident RHS for “N1”, click the assignee dropdown for “C1”.

  2. Click user-1.

  3. Click user-2.

  4. Verify that clicking a different user highlight only that user in the dropdown.

  5. Press and hold the CMD (or Ctrl) button and click on user-2.

  6. Verify that clicking user-2 highlight only user-2.

  7. Verify that more than 1 user cannot be selected as an assignee for the checklist item.


Workflow member cannot select a different assignee in an incident that is ended

Continue from the above tests.

  1. End incident “N1”.

  2. Once the incident has ended, click on the assignee dropdown for “C1”.

  3. Verify that the assignee dropdown does not open up anymore (??).

  4. (Even if it opens up, verify that a different user cannot be assigned to the checklist item).

Valid for ended incident?


Workflow member can select a different assignee in an incident that is restarted

Continue for the above tests.

  1. Restart incident “N1”.

  2. Once the incident has restarted, click on the assignee dropdown for “C2”.

  3. Verify that the assignee dropdown is active and can be expanded.

  4. Select user-2 as the assignee.

  5. Verify that user-2 is successfully assigned “C2”.


Assignee does not change when a workflow member leaves the workflow channel

Continue form the above tests.

  1. Log in as user-2.

  2. Find and navigate to the “N1” incident channel.

  3. Verify that user-2 is assigned to checklist item “C2” (under stage “S1”).

  4. In the center channel post textbox, type “/leave” and hit enter to leave the channel.

  5. Verify that user-2 cannot find the “N1” incident channel.

  6. Log out.

  7. Log in as user-1.

  8. Find the “N1” incident channel and navigate to it.

  9. Verify that user-2 is still the assignee for “C2” under “S1”.


The assignee dropdown list gets updated when a workflow member is kicked from the channel

Continue from the above tests.

  1. Invite user-2 to “N1” incident channel again.

  2. From the incident RHS, select stage “S3”.

  3. Assign item “Ca” to user-2.

  4. In the center channel post textbox, type “/kick” and hit enter to remove user-2 from the channel.

  5. Under “S3”, click on the assignee list for “Ca”.

  6. Verify that user-2 does now appear in the assignee list.


Assignee does not change when a workflow member is kicked from the workflow channel

Continue from the above tests.

  1. Select stage “S1”.

  2. Verify that “C2” still shows user-2 as the assignee.

  3. Select stage “S3”.

  4. Verify that “Ca” still shows user-2 as the assignee.


The assignee dropdown list gets updated when a workflow member leaves the channel

Continue from the above tests.

  1. With user-2 still removed from the incident channel, click the assignee dropdown for “Cc” under stage “S3”.

  2. Verify that user-2 is not in the assignee list.


The assignee dropdown list gets updated when a new member is added to the workflow channel

Continue from the above tests.

  1. Invite user-2 back to the “N1” incident channel.

  2. In the incident RHS, click the assignee dropdown for “Cc”.

  3. Verify that user-2 is now available in the assignee list.

  4. Assign “Cc” to user-2


An assignee can checkoff a checklist item

Continue from the above tests.

  1. Log in as user-2.

  2. From the “N1” incident RHS, find “Cc” item under “S3”.

  3. Click the checkbox for “Cc”.

  4. Verify that the checklist item is successfully checked off.


An assignee can uncheck a checklist item

Continue from the above tests.

  1. As user-2, uncheck item “Cc”.

  2. Verify that the checklist item is successfully unchecked.


A non-assignee can checkoff a checklist item

Continue from the above tests.

  1. As user-2 uncheck all item assigned to user-2.

  2. Log out.

  3. Log in as user-1.

  4. Find all items assigned to user-2.

  5. Click the checkboxes for items assigned to user-2.

  6. Verify that the items are successfully checked off.


A non-assignee can uncheck a checklist item

Continue from the above tests.

  1. As user-1, uncheck all the boxes for items assigned to user-2.

  2. Verify that the items are successfully unchecked.


Anything in the backstage about assignee?

At the moment you can’t assign an item in the backstage, but that seems useful. Ian Tao (Unlicensed) ?

Test Area (v0.7) - Attach a slash command to each step when editing playbook

Test ID

Test Case

Test Steps




A newly added checklist item in a playbook has a slash command field

  1. Log in as user-1.

  2. Launch playbook backstage.

  3. Click “New Playbook”.

  4. Enter “PB-N1” as the playbook name.

  5. Under the preexisting “Default Stage”, click “Add new checklist item”.

  6. Enter “I-1” as the checklist item name.

  7. Hit enter.

  8. Verify that two new fields, one for slash command, and the other for step description appear underneath.

  9. Add more checklist items.

  10. Verify that every new checklist item added has the slash command and step description fields.


A playbook can be edited to add a slash command to any checklist item

Continue from the above test.

  1. Type /away in the slash command field for one of the checklist items.

  2. Click “Save Playbook”.

  3. Verify that the playbook is saved successfully.

  4. Type other valid slash commands in the fields for other checklist items.

  5. Verify that each slash command filed can successfully save the slash commands.


A checklist item configured with a slash command shows the slash command for that item in the RHS

Continue from the above tests.

  1. Switch to a normal channel.

  2. Start a new incident using “PB-N1”.

  3. Open the incident RHS.

  4. Verify that all checklist items configured with slash commands in the above tests, show the slash command under the checklist item.


A checklist item can only be configured with one slash command at most

  1. Create a new playbook “P1a”.

  2. Add a checklist item “C1”.

  3. In the slash command field for “C1”, enter the following: /away /online /shrug.

  4. Verify that a warning appears that the checklist item can only be configured with one slash command.


I think this should be allowed (there’s no technical reason it can’t). Ian Tao (Unlicensed) ?


Typing an invalid slash command

There’s nothing preventing the user from typing an invalid slash command.


Test Area (v0.7) - Execute the attached slash command with a button click

The tests below might need to get adjusted (or added) to match Revised step execution:

Test ID

Test Case

Test Steps




A checklist item configured without a slash command does not have a Run button next to it

  1. Log in as user-1.

  2. Launch playbook backstage.

  3. Click “New Playbook”.

  4. Enter “Apb” as the playbook name.

  5. Change the name of “Default Stage” to “S1”.

  6. Click “Add new checklist item”.

  7. Enter “C1” as the item name.

  8. Don’t add anything for the slash command.

  9. Save playbook.

  10. Switch to normal channel view.

  11. Start a new incident using “Apb”.

  12. Once the incident is started, in the incident RHS, examine the checklist item “C1” under “S1”.

  13. Verify that “C1” does not have any “Run” button.


A checklist item configured with a valid slash command has a Run button next to it

Continue from the above test.

  1. Launch playbook.

  2. Find and click “Apb” to edit.

  3. Add slash command /away for “C1”.

  4. Switch to normal channel view.

  5. Start a new incident using “Apb”.

  6. Once the incident is started, in the incident RHS, verify that “C1” show /away under it which has a Run button next to it.


A checklist item configured with an invalid slash command does not have a Run button next to it

Continue from the above test.

  1. Launch playbook backstage.

  2. Find and click “Apb” to edit.

  3. Add a new checklist item “C2” under “S1”.

  4. Add slash command invalid text for “C2”.

  5. Save playbook.

  6. Switch to normal channel view.

  7. Start a new incident using “Apb”.

  8. Once the incident has started, find “C2” under “S1”.

  9. Verify that the slash command for “C2” doesn’t have a Run button next to it.

This doesn’t happen currently. It would require us to spend mana on validating the slash command.


A checklist item configured with a nonexistent slash command does not have a Runbutton next to it

Continue from the above test.

  1. Launch playbook backstage.

  2. Find and click “Apb” to edit.

  3. Add a new checklist item “C3” under “S1”.

  4. Add slash command /invalidcommand for “C3”.

  5. Save playbook.

  6. Switch to normal channel view.

  7. Start a new incident “Ia1” using “Apb”.

  8. Once the incident has started, find “C3” under “S1”.

  9. Verify that the slash command for “C3” doesn’t have a Run button next to it.


Clicking the Run button for a checklist slash command runs the slash command

Continue from the above test.

  1. Open up the incident RHS for “Ia1”.

  2. Find “C1” under stage “S1”.

  3. Click the Run button next to “C1”.

  4. Verify that clicking the Run button executes so that the status of user-1 is now set to “away”.


Plugin posts a message in the incident channel when a slash command Runis clicked

Continue from the above test.

  1. Verify that plugin posts a message in the “Ia1” incident channel to notify that the slash command for “C1” has been run.

A message that the checklist item slash command was run (not the slash command system message)

Ian Tao (Unlicensed) should we make a ticket for this feature? We currently don’t do it, but it makes sense.


Running a slash command with system message attached to it post the slash command system message in the incident channel

Continue from the above test.

  1. Verify that the system message for the /away command “System: You are now away (Only visible to you)” is posted in the incident channel.


In case of two valid slash commands, the running the command from the checklist item will only run the first command successfully

Continue from the above test.

  1. Launch playbook backstage.

  2. Find and click “Apb” to edit.

  3. Under “S1” add a new checklist item “C5”.

  4. Add the following for “C5’s” slash command: /online /away.

  5. Switch to normal channel view.

  6. Start a new incident using “Apb”.

  7. Once the incident has been started, find “C5” in the incident RHS.

  8. Click the Run button next to “C5”.

  9. Verify that the status of user-1 is now set to “online” and not “away”.

This is in sync with the core feature behavior

Seems correct to me (ChrisP)


Running an invalid slash command from RHS checklist shows an ‘invalid slash command’ error

Depends on the steps in #102.

Like core feature?


A slash command can be run multiple times from the RHS checklist

Continue from the above tests.

  1. Launch playbook backstage.

  2. Find and click “Apb” to edit.

  3. Under “S1” add a new checklist item “C6”.

  4. Add /shrug as the slash command for “C6”.

  5. Switch to normal channel view.

  6. Start a new incident using “Apb”.

  7. Once the incident has been started, find “C6” in the incident RHS.

  8. Click the Run button for “C6”.

  9. Verify that the /shrug command is executed successfully and a shrug message is posted in the center channel.

  10. Repeat steps 8-9 multiple times.


A plugin post notifies when a slash command fails to run successfully

Verify that when a slash command fails to execute by clicking the Run button, the plugin posts a message in the center channel notifying that the execution has failed.
