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Document version 0.0

Status: Test Development in Progress


Test Area - Attach a slash command to each step when editing playbook

Test Area - Create stages when editing a playbook

Test ID

Test Case

Test Steps




Playbook creator can edit playbook

  1. Log in as user-0.

  2. Launch playbook backstage (using any method).

  3. Click the “New Playbook” button.

  4. Enter “P1” for Playbook Name.

  5. Click “Save Playbook”.

  6. Switch to a normal channel.

  7. Bring up the incident creation modal (using any method).

  8. Verify that the playbook dropdown has “P1”.

  9. From the playbook backstage, find P1.

  10. Click P1 to edit the playbook.

  11. Change the playbook name to “PB-Private”.

  12. Click “Save Playbook”.

  13. Verify that the playbook in the backstage shows up as “PB-Private”.

  14. Switch to a normal channel.

  15. Bring up the incident creation modal.

  16. Verify that the playbook dropdown does not have “P1” but “PB-Private”.


Any playbook member can edit playbook to add a new member

Continue from the above test.

  1. From the playbook backstage, find PB-Private.

  2. Click on the playbook to open the “Edit Playbook” view

  3. In the “Members” field, add @user-1.

  4. Log in as user-1.

  5. Bring up the incident creation modal.

  6. Verify that user-1 can see “PB-Private” in the playbook dropdown.

  7. Launch playbook backstage.

  8. Find “PB-Private” and click to open the “Edit Playbook” view.

  9. In the “Members” field, add @user-2.

  10. Click “Save Playbook”.

  11. As user-2, verify that “PB-Private” is available in the playbook dropdown of the incident creation modal.


Any playbook member can edit playbook to remove an existing member

Continue from the above test.

  1. Log in as user-2.

  2. Launch playbook backstage.

  3. Find “PB-Private” and click to open the “Edit Playbook” view.

  4. From the “Members” field, remove @user-1.

  5. As user-1, verify that “PB-Private” is not available in the playbook dropdown of the incident creation modal.


A playbook member cannot edit playbook to remove all the members of the playbook

Continue from the above test.

  1. As user-2, launch playbook backstage.

  2. Find “PB-Private” and click to open the “Edit Playbook” view.

  3. From the “Members” field, remove all users including user-0 and user-2.

  4. Verify that the playbook cannot be saved.

  5. Add user-1 to the Members field.

  6. Save playbook.

The “Save Playbook” button should stay inactive unless there is at least one member


Any playbook member can edit playbook to change the private/public incident setting

Continue from the above test.

  1. As user-1, launch the playbook backstage.

  2. Find “PB-Private” and click to open the edit view.

  3. Toggle the “Create Public Incident” to enable the setting.

  4. Save playbook.

  5. Click the playbook again to view the edit mode.

  6. Verify that the “Create Public Incident” setting is enabled.


Any playbook member can edit playbook to add a new stage

Continue from the above test.

  1. As user-1, launch the playbook backstage.

  2. Find “PB-Private” and click to open the edit view.

  3. Click + Add new stage.

  4. Change the stage name from “New stage” to “Stage 2”.

  5. Save playbook.

  6. Click the playbook again to view the edit mode.

  7. Verify that the playbook contains “Default Stage” and “Stage 2” for stages.


A playbook can have multiple stages with the same stage name

  1. As user-1, launch the playbook backstage.

  2. Click “New Playbook”.

  3. Enter “PB-New” for Playbook Name.

  4. Enter “Stage 1” as the 1st stage name.

  5. Click “Add new stage”.

  6. Enter “Stage 1” as the 2nd stage name.

  7. ??



A playbook member can edit playbook to add a new checklist item to a stage added by themself


Any playbook member can edit playbook to add a new checklist item to a stage added by a different member


A playbook member cannot edit playbook such that the playbook name field is empty


Any playbook member can reorder the checklist items within a stage


Any playbook member can reorder the checklist items within different stages


A playbook member cannot reorder the playbook such that the checklist items can be pulled outside a stage


Any playbook member can delete a checklist item


A playbook member can edit the playbook to delete all the checklist items such that all the stages can have no checklist item at all


Any playbook member can reorder the stages


A playbook member cannot reorder the playbook such that the stages can be nested

Verify that the stages cannot be stacked inside another stage


Any playbook member can delete a stage


A playbook member cannot delete the last remaining stage such that the playbook has no stages at all


Any playbook member can delete playbook


A playbook member can create playbook with a large number of stages

Verify playbook with a large number of stages in the edit page


A playbook member can create playbook with a large number of checklist items within the stages

Verify playbook with a large number of checklist items within the stages in the edit page


The components in the playbook edit page render normally

Verify the appearance of the components in the playbook edit page

Test Area - Set active workflow stage

Test ID

Test Case

Test Steps




An active stage is annotated with Activelabel in the RHS


Non-active stages are not annotated with Active labels


Incident commander can set a different stage as Active in an ongoing incident


Workflow member can set a different stage as Active in an ongoing incident


Workflow member cannot set a different stage as Active in an incident that has been ended


Workflow member can set a different stage as Active in an incident that has been restarted


Plugin posts a message in the incident channel when changing an active stage


Workflow member views the active stage by default in incident RHS


When an active stage is changed by a different user, the stage selected in the RHS remains as is but without the Active annotation


In case of only one stage, the stage is set as active by default


In case of multiple stages, the first stage is set as active by default


Switching between the stages does not set the stage as active


Selecting a non-active stage from the RHS dropdown shows a Make Active option prompt


Selecting an active stage from the RHS dropdown does not show a Make Active option prompt


Workflow member can check items off of stages that are active


Workflow member can uncheck items of stages that are not active


Workflow member can check off items of an ongoing incident


Workflow member cannot checkoff items of an ended incident


Workflow member can checkoff items of a restarted incident

Test Area - View steps in stages during a workflow

Test ID

Test Case

Test Steps




The Stages dropdown in the RHS has all the stages for that incident


Selecting a different the stage in the RHS shows the checklist corresponding to that stage


Saving a playbook with only one stage and leaving the stage name empty, will create an incident with stage “Default Stage”


Any workflow member can switch between the stages in the RHS in an ongoing incident


Any workflow member can switch between the stages in the RHS in an incident that has been ended


Any workflow member can switch between the stages in the RHS in an incident that has been restarted


Selecting a different stage will not change the default stage view upon page refresh

Refreshing the page or navigating back to the incident channel will always show the Active stage in the RHS and not the stage selected earlier


Selecting a different stage will not change the stage view for a different workflow member

Test Area - Assign step owners

Test ID

Test Case

Test Steps




Checklist item in the RHS has a dropdown for assignee


The assignee dropdown shows the list of workflow members


The assignee dropdown does not show users that are not workflow members


By default, checklist item does not have any assignee


A checklist item can be checked off without an assignee


A checklist item can be unchecked without an assignee


Workflow member can select him/herself as the checklist assignee


Workflow member can select a different workflow member as the checklist assignee


Workflow member can change assignee from him/herself to ‘No Assignee’ for a checklist item


Workflow member can change another workflow member to ‘No Assignee’ for a checklist item


Plugin posts a message in incident channel when an assignee is selected


Plugin posts a message in incident channel when ‘No Assignee’ is selected


Workflow member cannot select multiple assignees


Workflow member cannot select a different assignee in an incident that is ended


Workflow member can select a different assignee in an incident that is restarted


Assignee does not change when a workflow member leaves the workflow channel


Assignee does not change when a workflow member is kicked from the workflow channel


The assignee dropdown list gets updated when a new member is added to the workflow channel


The assignee dropdown list gets updated when a workflow member leaves the channel


The assignee dropdown list gets updated when a workflow member is kicked from the channel


An assignee can checkoff a checklist item


An assignee can uncheck a checklist item


A non-assignee can checkoff a checklist item


A non-assignee can uncheck a checklist item


Anything in the backstage about assignee?

Continue from the above test.

  1. Launch playbook backstage.

  2. Find “PB-Private” from the playbook list.

  3. Under “Stage 1”, click “Add new checklist item”.

  4. Enter “S1-C1” as the checklist item.

  5. Click “Save Playbook”.

  6. From the playbook list in the backstage find “PB-Private”.

  7. Click to view the edit view.

  8. Verify that “Stage 1” has “S1-C1” as the checklist item.

  9. Switch to a normal channel view.

  10. Start an incident with “PB-Private” to verify the checklist item as been added to “Stage 1”.


Any playbook member can edit playbook to add a new checklist item to a stage added by a different member

Continue from the above test.

  1. Log in as user-2.

  2. Launch playbook backstage.

  3. Find “PB-Private” from the playbook list.

  4. Click to open edit view.

  5. Under “Stage 1”, click “Add new checklist item”.

  6. Enter “S1-U2” as the checklist item.

  7. Click “Save Playbook”.

  8. From the playbook list in the backstage find “PB-Private”.

  9. Click to view the edit view.

  10. Verify that “Stage 1” has “S1-U2” as the checklist item.

  11. Switch to a normal channel view.

  12. Start an incident with “PB-Private” to verify the checklist item has been added to “Stage 1”.


A playbook member cannot edit playbook such that the playbook name field is empty

Continue from the above test.

  1. Launch playbook backstage.

  2. Find “PB-Private” from the playbook list.

  3. Click to open edit view.

  4. Delete the playbook name “PB-Private”.

  5. Verify that the “Save Playbook” button becomes deactivate.

  6. Click on the “Save Playbook” button.

  7. Verify that the playbook cannot be saved, and the user is still in the edit view.

  8. Enter a space in the playbook name field.

  9. Repeat steps 5-7.


Any playbook member can reorder the checklist items within a stage

Continue from the above test.

  1. Launch playbook backstage.

  2. Find “PB-Private” from the playbook list.

  3. Click to open edit view.

  4. Under “Stage 1”, click the hamburger icon next to the checklist item “S1-C1” and drag it under “S1-U2”.

  5. Verify that “S1-C1” is successfully moved under “S1-U2”.

  6. Click the hamburger icon next to “S1-U2” and drag it above “S1-C1”.

  7. Verify that “S1-U2” is successfully moved under “S1-C1”.

  8. Switch to a normal channel view.

  9. Start an incident with “PB-Private” to verify the reordering was successful.


Any playbook member can reorder the checklist items within different stages

Continue from the above test.

  1. Launch playbook backstage.

  2. Find “PB-Private” from the playbook list.

  3. Click to open edit view.

  4. Under “Stage 1”, click the hamburger icon next to the checklist item “S1-U2” and drag it under the 2nd stage “Stage 2”.

  5. Verify that “S1-U2” is successfully moved under “Stage 2”.

  6. Switch to a normal channel view.

  7. Start an incident with “PB-Private” to verify the reordering was successful.


A playbook member cannot reorder the playbook such that the checklist items can be pulled outside a stage

Continue from the above test.

  1. Launch playbook backstage.

  2. Find “PB-Private” from the playbook list.

  3. Click to open edit view.

  4. Click the hamburger icon next to the checklist item “S1-C1” and drag it right above “Stage 1”.

  5. Verify that the checklist item does not move from its original spot under “Stage 1”.

  6. Drag and drop “S1-C1” outside stage area.

  7. Verify that the checklist item does not move from its original spot under “Stage 1”.

  8. Switch to a normal channel view.

  9. Start an incident with “PB-Private” to verify the order of the checklist items is normal.


Any playbook member can delete a checklist item

Continue from the above test.

  1. Log in as user-1.

  2. Launch playbook backstage.

  3. Find “PB-Private” from the playbook list.

  4. Click to open edit view.

  5. Under “Stage 2” find “S1-U2” and hover the mouse over so that the “X” appears next to it.

  6. Click the “X” for “S1-U2”.

  7. Verify that the checklist item “S1-U2” is deleted.

  8. Click “Save Playbook”.

  9. Click “PB-Private” to go to edit view.

  10. Verify that the checklist item “S1-U2” is not available in any stage.

  11. Switch to a normal channel view.

  12. Start an incident with “PB-Private” to verify that “S1-U2” is not available in any stage.


A playbook member can edit the playbook to delete all the checklist items such that all the stages can have no checklist item at all

Continue from the above test.

  1. Launch playbook backstage.

  2. Find “PB-Private” from the playbook list.

  3. Click to open edit view.

  4. Click the “X” next to all checklist items of all stages.

  5. Verify that all checklist items are deleted.

  6. Click “Save Playbook”.

  7. Switch to a normal channel view.

  8. Start an incident with “PB-Private” to verify that none of stages have any checklist items.


Any playbook member can reorder the stages

Continue from the above test.

  1. Launch playbook backstage.

  2. Find “PB-Private” from the playbook list.

  3. Click to open edit view.

  4. Add a new stage “Stage 3”.

  5. Click the hamburger icon next to “Stage 1” and drag it below “Stage 3”.

  6. Verify that “Stage 1” is successfully moved under “Stage 3”.

  7. Click the hamburger icon next to “Stage 3” and drag it above “Stage 2”.

  8. Verify that “Stage 3” is successfully moved above “Stage 2”.

  9. Switch to a normal channel view.

  10. Start an incident with “PB-Private” to verify the stage reordering was successful.


A playbook member cannot reorder the playbook such that the stages can be nested

Continue from the above test.

  1. Launch playbook backstage.

  2. Find “PB-Private” from the playbook list.

  3. Click to open edit view.

  4. Click the hamburger icon next to “Stage 1” and drag it under “Stage 3” to align it within the checklist items of “Stage 3”.

  5. Verify that “Stage 1” is not moved from its original position.

  6. Switch to a normal channel view.

  7. Start an incident with “PB-Private” to verify the stage reordering was not successful.

Verify that the stages cannot be stacked inside another stage


Any playbook member can delete a stage

Continue from the above test.

  1. Launch playbook backstage.

  2. Find “PB-Private” from the playbook list.

  3. Click to open edit view.

  4. Click the “X” button next to “Stage 3”.

  5. Verify that “Stage 3” is deleted.

  6. Save playbook.

  7. Switch to a normal channel view.

  8. Start an incident with “PB-Private” to verify that the incident created does not have “Stage 3”.


A playbook member cannot delete the last remaining stage such that the playbook has no stages at all

Continue from the above test.

  1. Launch playbook backstage.

  2. Find “PB-Private” from the playbook list.

  3. Click to open edit view.

  4. Click the “X” button next to “Stage 1”.

  5. Click the “X” button next to “Stage 2”.

  6. Verify that the “Save Playbook” button becomes inactive.

  7. Click on the “Save Playbook”.

  8. Verify that the user is still in the edit view of “PB-Private” and the action was not saved.


Any playbook member can delete playbook

Continue from the above test.

  1. Log in as user-2.

  2. Launch playbook backstage.

  3. Find “PB-Private” from the playbook list.

  4. Under “Actions” for the playbook, click the ellipses.

  5. Click “Delete”.

  6. Verify that a “Confirm Playbook Deletion” modal appears.

  7. Click “Delete Playbook”.

  8. Verify that “PB-Private” is not present in the playbook list.

  9. Switch to a normal channel view.

  10. Open up an incident modal.

  11. Verify that “PB-Private” is not available in the playbook dropdown.


A playbook member can create playbook with a large number of stages

  1. Log in as user-1.

  2. Launch playbook backstage.

  3. Click “New Playbook”.

  4. Enter “PB-N1” as the playbook name.

  5. Click “Add new stage” 20 or more times to create a long list of stages.

  6. Click “Save Playbook”.

  7. Switch to a normal channel.

  8. Start an incident using “PB-N1” as the playbook.

  9. Verify that the Stages dropdown in the incident RHS has all the stages added in step 5.

  10. Verify the Stage dropdown displays the stages properly with scrollbar.

Verify playbook with a large number of stages in the edit page


A playbook member can create playbook with a large number of checklist items within the stages

Continue from the above test.

  1. Launch playbook backstage.

  2. Find “PB-N1” and click to go to edit view.

  3. For the first stage, add at least 20 checklist items.

  4. Save playbook.

  5. Switch to a normal channel.

  6. Start an incident using “PB-N1” as the playbook.

  7. In the incident RHS, ensure that the first stage is selected from the dropdown.

  8. Verify that all the checklist items added in step 3 are available.

Verify playbook with a large number of checklist items within the stages in the edit page


The components in the playbook edit page render normally

Verify the appearance of the components in the playbook edit page.

Test Area - Set active workflow stage

Test ID

Test Case

Test Steps




An active stage is annotated with Activelabel in the RHS


Non-active stages are not annotated with Active labels


Incident commander can set a different stage as Active in an ongoing incident


Workflow member can set a different stage as Active in an ongoing incident


Workflow member cannot set a different stage as Active in an incident that has been ended


Workflow member can set a different stage as Active in an incident that has been restarted


Plugin posts a message in the incident channel when changing an active stage


Workflow member views the active stage by default in incident RHS


When an active stage is changed by a different user, the stage selected in the RHS remains as is but without the Active annotation


In case of only one stage, the stage is set as active by default


In case of multiple stages, the first stage is set as active by default


Switching between the stages does not set the stage as active


Selecting a non-active stage from the RHS dropdown shows a Make Active option prompt


Selecting an active stage from the RHS dropdown does not show a Make Active option prompt


Workflow member can check items off of stages that are active


Workflow member can uncheck items of stages that are not active


Workflow member can check off items of an ongoing incident


Workflow member cannot checkoff items of an ended incident


Workflow member can checkoff items of a restarted incident

Test Area - View steps in stages during a workflow

Test ID

Test Case

Test Steps




The Stages dropdown in the RHS has all the stages for that incident


Selecting a different the stage in the RHS shows the checklist corresponding to that stage


Saving a playbook with only one stage and leaving the stage name empty, will create an incident with stage “Default Stage”


Any workflow member can switch between the stages in the RHS in an ongoing incident


Any workflow member can switch between the stages in the RHS in an incident that has been ended


Any workflow member can switch between the stages in the RHS in an incident that has been restarted


Selecting a different stage will not change the default stage view upon page refresh

Refreshing the page or navigating back to the incident channel will always show the Active stage in the RHS and not the stage selected earlier


Selecting a different stage will not change the stage view for a different workflow member

Test Area - Assign step owners

Test ID

Test Case

Test Steps




Checklist item in the RHS has a dropdown for assignee


The assignee dropdown shows the list of workflow members


The assignee dropdown does not show users that are not workflow members


By default, checklist item does not have any assignee


A checklist item can be checked off without an assignee


A checklist item can be unchecked without an assignee


Workflow member can select him/herself as the checklist assignee


Workflow member can select a different workflow member as the checklist assignee


Workflow member can change assignee from him/herself to ‘No Assignee’ for a checklist item


Workflow member can change another workflow member to ‘No Assignee’ for a checklist item


Plugin posts a message in incident channel when an assignee is selected


Plugin posts a message in incident channel when ‘No Assignee’ is selected


Workflow member cannot select multiple assignees


Workflow member cannot select a different assignee in an incident that is ended


Workflow member can select a different assignee in an incident that is restarted


Assignee does not change when a workflow member leaves the workflow channel


Assignee does not change when a workflow member is kicked from the workflow channel


The assignee dropdown list gets updated when a new member is added to the workflow channel


The assignee dropdown list gets updated when a workflow member leaves the channel


The assignee dropdown list gets updated when a workflow member is kicked from the channel


An assignee can checkoff a checklist item


An assignee can uncheck a checklist item


A non-assignee can checkoff a checklist item


A non-assignee can uncheck a checklist item


Anything in the backstage about assignee?

Test Area (v0.7) - Attach a slash command to each step when editing playbook

Test ID

Test Case

Test Steps




A newly added checklist item in a playbook has a slash command field


A playbook can be edited to add a slash command to any checklist item


A checklist item configured with a slash command shows the slash command for that item in the RHS


A checklist item can only be configured with one slash command at most


Typing an invalid slash command

Test Area (v0.7) - Browse existing slash commands in playbook editing

Test ID

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Test Steps



Typing a / in the slash command field brings up a list of existing slash commands

Typing a non-/ character in the slash command field?

Should this be allowed?

Selecting from the slash command list auto completes the slash command

Typing a non-existing slash command shows a “invalid slash command” error

The slash command field can be left empty


Test Area (v0.7) - Execute the attached slash command with a button click

Test ID

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Test Steps




A playbook can be edited to add a slash command to any checklist item


A newly added checklist item in a playbook has a slash command field


checklist item configured without a slash command does not have a Run button next to it

A checklist item configured with a slash command shows the slash command for that item in the RHS


valid slash command has a Run button next to it

A checklist item can only be configured with one an invalid slash command at most


In case of two valid slash commands, the running the command from the checklist item will only run the first command successfully

This is in sync with the core feature behavior


Typing an invalid slash command


Running an invalid slash command from RHS checklist shows an ‘invalid slash command’ error

Like core feature?


A slash command can be run multiple times from the RHS checklist


A plugin post notifies when a slash command fails to run successfully

98 : “any textbox” what is this?

Test Area - Browse existing slash commands in playbook editing

Test ID

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Test Steps




Typing a / in the slash command field brings up a list of existing slash commands


Typing a non-/ character in the slash command field?

Should this be allowed?


Selecting from the slash command list auto completes the slash command


Typing a non-existing slash command shows a “invalid slash command” error


The slash command field can be left empty

Test Area - Execute the attached slash command with a button click

Test ID

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Test Steps


does not have a Run button next to it

A checklist item configured with a nonexistent slash command does not have a Runbutton next to it

Clicking the Run button for a checklist slash command runs the slash command

Plugin posts a message in the incident channel when a slash command Runis clicked

A message that the checklist item slash command was run (not the slash command system message)

Running a slash command with system message attached to it post the slash command system message in the incident channel

In case of two valid slash commands, the running the command from the checklist item will only run the first command successfully

This is in sync with the core feature behavior

Running an invalid slash command from RHS checklist shows an ‘invalid slash command’ error

Like core feature?

A slash command can be run multiple times from the RHS checklist

A plugin post notifies when a slash command fails to run successfully

Test Area - Tests/bugs outside of requirements and user stories

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Test Steps

