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This is a monthly update posted on the blog (TBD) that captures a few key projects the design team is working on to be shared out publicly.


See Introducing the Product Design Update for more detail.

The submission process for designers

  • 2 weeks in advance of the post


  • date, a call for submissions will be sent out.


  • Project title

  • 3-5 screenshots, with a link to the working Figma file

  • A brief summary of what the project is including:

    • The problem being solved

    • The proposed solution

    • Use cases it solves, and the intended benefit for users

  • Nice to have: animated gif of interaction

  • Submissions will need to be sent be the end of the same week to be considered for the next volume

  • Use the following template to submit your project for the update.

Submission template

Project title

Enter name of project here

The problem being solved

Write a brief summary of the problem the project aims to solve

Summary of solution

Write a brief summary of the proposed solution to the problem. Include the use cases it solves for and the intended benefits for users.


Provide 3 or 4 screenshots or visuals the best represent the solution

Video walkthrough (optional)

You can also provide a loom walkthrough if it helps to describe the project better

Animated GIFs (optional)

You can also provide sample animated gifs that demonstrate the interactions