This icon will give access to open the channel info in the RHS. Clicking on the Channel Name will also open the Channel Info RHS panel.
Channel Info Right Sidebar
About Info
Rather than displaying this info in a modal, it will now display in the new Channel Info Sidebar. This will include the Channel Purpose, Header and URL.
Replaces the ‘Members’ popover. Displays a list of all Channel Members in a subpanel. A ‘Manage Members' button displays in this panel.
Members Subpanel
‘Pinned Messages’ Menu Item
Triggers a confirmation modal to make sure the user indeed wants to leave the channel
Edit Channel Modal
A new modal that combines the current “Rename Channel”, “Edit Channel Purpose”, “Edit Channel Header” modals.
Members Subpanel
The new members RHS panel is a subpanel to the main Channel Info RHS. Users can Manage members (if they have permissions), invite/add new Channel members (if the have permissions) and scroll through the list of members. When a member in the list if hovered, a ‘message’ icon appears which will open up a DM for that user. Clicking on the main content of the member item in the list will open up that user’s profile card.
In the Header, a back arrow Icon Button displays. Clicking this back icon button will go back to the main Channel Info panel.
Pinned Messages Subpanel
The Pinned Messages panel is the same as it currently, except for the fact that it will now be a subpanel of the main channel info panel. Pinned Messages can be accessed from the Channel Header Icon Button or from the new Channel Info RHS.
Sample of how ‘subpanels’ behave