Add screen capture prevention on the mobile app based on server config
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Yasser Khan 22 hours ago
Tested this on PR:
Screenshots (iOS & Android): Shows blank screen on iOS and warning on Andorid
Screen Recording
iOS: The screen should blur when a recording is in progress.
Android: The screen should remain blank during recording.
App Switching
When the user switches between apps, the app preview in the task switcher should also follow the same blur (iOS) or blank (Android)
Pinned fields
Click on the next to a field label to start pinning.
Elias Nahum
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Yasser Khan
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Elias Nahum
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Created last week
Updated 22 hours ago
If Screen Capture Prevention is enabled in the server configuration and is not managed by an EMM provider, the mobile app should block screenshots and screen recordings to protect sensitive information. This feature should apply dynamically based on the active server’s configuration.
Behavior Across Platforms
Screenshots (iOS & Android)
When a user attempts to take a screenshot, the captured image should display no data (e.g., a blank or obscured screen).
Screen Recording
iOS: The screen should blur when a recording is in progress.
Android: The screen should remain blank during recording.
App Switching
When the user switches between apps, the app preview in the task switcher should also follow the same blur (iOS) or blank (Android) behavior to prevent sensitive information from being visible.