


Allows channel admins (and system admins) to enable a coloured banner at the top of a channel with custom text. The banner can display important notices, classification labels, or any other short informational text, styled with basic markdown.

Not in scope

Use cases

  1. Security Classification: The admin sets the channel banner to “CONTROLLED UNCLASSIFIED: IMPACT LEVEL 5” with a distinctive purple colour to alert members of the required security level.

  2. Important Notices: A team lead places “Reminder: Code complete deadline this Friday at 3 PM” so it’s easily visible to all channel members.

  3. Policy or Terms: A compliance officer sets “All discussion in this channel is private and restricted” with a red color to denote caution.

Enabling / Disabling a Channel Banner

Channel Level

A toggle for channel banner should be added under Channel Settings > Settings.

Default State: Disabled

Enabling the channel banner reveals a text input for the banner text, and a colour selector/input.

When the banner is toggled off, the banner disappears from the channel view, but any existing text/color settings should be retained in case the admin re-enables it.


Banner Text Field

A single-line text input that accepts both plain text and Markdown.

Banner Color Picker

A HEX colour code input field similar to the colour input in Settings > Display > Theme > Custom Theme > Styles. It should accept hex codes as inputs and also have a colour picker that can be opened by clicking on the colour swatch.

Default value: #DDDDDD


Team Level

Similar to Channel Settings, A toggle for channel banner should be added under Team Settings > Configuration.

Default State: Disabled

Enabling the channel banner at the team level, will set it as the default banner for all existing channels in a team as well as any new channels created in that team.

There’ll be an additional checkbox to enable/disable the ability to edit the banner at the channel level for an individual channel. Only if this is enabled will users be able to modify or remove the banner for any channel in that team.

Default state: Allowed to edit banners at the channel level


Edge case: If editing banners at the channel level is enabled > Some channel admins go and update the banner for their channels to something custom or remove it > Team admin disables the ability to edit banners at the channel level > All channels should get updated with the banner set up at the team level and the Channel Admins will lose all custom configuration.

Displaying the banner


The banner appears as a horizontal bar pinned at the top of the channel, just below the channel header and bookmarks bar.


If the text plus any Markdown styling exceeds the available width, the text will be truncated in the default view. Hovering on the banner should show a tooltip containing the entire banner text, exactly like how it works for the Global Announcement Banners. Any links within the banner text should be clickable from the tooltip.

Channel members cannot hide or dismiss the banner. Only the channel admin or system admin can disable it by toggling off the feature in Channel Settings.


Note: Banner colour should not change based on the user’s selected theme. The banner background and text colour should remain the same irrespective of the user’s theme.


When users access the channel on the mobile app:


Accessibility Considerations

Banner text colour

The banner text colour (white or black) should change automatically to ensure adequate contrast against the chosen background colour. We should compare if black has a better contrast with the background colour or white and accordingly set the text colour.


Roles & Permissions

Anyone who can edit the channel configuration (name, header, purpose) should also be able to edit the channel banner. We can rely on existing permission schemes to allow this.

By default, channel admins and system admins should be able to configure channel banners.


This is an Enterprise-only feature

Analytics & Telemetry

Capture events when a banner is enabled, updated, or disabled.

Open questions

Future Considerations (Not in Current Scope)