Versions Compared


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In progress

Much of the documentation in this page is applicable to both desktop and mobile, but see Desktop UX Documentation for anything specific to the desktop/webapp app experience.

In-Channel Collapsed Threads


Parent posts only display in the Channel


Thread Participants Bottom Sheet


As noted above, this bottom sheet displays when users tap on the Avatars in the thread footer.


  • In the Center Channel, when a thread has unread messages in it, an unread indicator dot is added to the reply metadata as noted above

  • When viewing a full thread (in the RHS or in the Global Threads View), the New Messages separator line display above the oldest unread message in the thread


Single Thread View


Opening up a thread in the Single Thread View


Following/Unfollowing Threads

  1. When a thread is ‘Followed’ it is added to the global ‘Threads’ view

  2. When a thread is ‘Unfollowed’ it is removed from the global ‘Threads’ view

  3. How threads are followed:

    1. If the original parent post was created by you, the thread is automatically followed

    2. If you reply to a thread, it is automatically followed

    3. If you are mentioned in a thread, that thread is automatically followed

    4. If you Unfollow a thread, but then are mentioned, the thread is now automatically followed again

    5. Marking as unread on a post within a thread will automatically follow that thread if it’s not already followed

    6. If I explicitly tap ‘Follow’ on a thread/message

    7. Followed threads do not appear in Global Threads until there has been a reply

  4. Tapping the ‘Following’ button or ‘Unfollow’ menu item will remove the thread from the global ‘Threads’ view


Global Threads


Global Threads is a view of conversations that the user has been involved in across all their channels, Group Messages and Direct Messages. The spirit of Global Threads is to offer a more personalized experience, to ensure replies to threads don’t get missed and to facilitate faster processing of messages by taking them from the many venues (channels, DM, GM) where they canonically reside and consolidating them in one place (less channel switching). 


  • Tapping this banner will scroll to the top of the list and hide the banner.

Thread List Items


Thread list items display the following


  • An empty state shows in the Full Thread Pane until a thread is tapped

  • If there are no followed threads or no threads that the user has participated in yet, the inbox list is hidden and the entire main content area is replaced with the empty state describing how threads appear in this view


iPad layout
