The below is a working list of potential product enhancements post-MVP.
Getting notified about acknowledgments (not part of MVP)
When ‘Request acknowledgment’ is selected, another option displays ‘Notify me about acknowledgement’
If this option is selected, the sender will be notified when recipients click the acknowledge button
They will receive system messages and notifications in the thread about each acknowledgment. These system messages are only visible to the original thread’s author and will trigger notifications.
Add a filter in search UX to find urgent or important messages
Depends on other enhancements for the search experience.
Allow bots to create messages with priority
Do we allow persistent notifications and acknowledgements in this case?
Mobile - add ack button within the notification itself
Since notifications can now include interactions, we could include an acknowledge button
in the notification.
Introduce a “chain of command” property among users for acknowledgement logic
This would allow for, in relevant cases, a tagged user’s manager to mark a message as acknowledged on their direct report’s behalf - even if the senior user is not explicitly mentioned.
Slash command support
/request-ack message goes here
/priority urgent message goes here
Boards-related Enhancements
The following could be tied to Boards Cards created with a certain priority.
Apply the Urgent or Important message label to messages about Boards Cards created with the “1. High” priority level
Upcoming due dates
When a High Priority task is created/assigned to you
Request Acknowledgements when High Priority tasks are initially created
If a certain Board is known to only have important tasks, have all messages related to Cards on this Board be marked as Urgent
Would need to be careful of over-usage, but this could be if a Board was used for addressing urgent bugs for instance.
Use Acknowledgements to “accept” a task that multiple people may have the ability to complete
E.g. for a task being managed using a Boards Card, allow for anyone in an associated Channel to “accept” responsibility for the task after it has been created (this would then assign them the task on Boards).
Playbooks-related Enhancements
Apply Urgent or Important message labeling to certain Checklist tasks if the Owner designates them as such
Request Acknowledgement when a Checklist task is assigned to you initially (different then checking a task as complete, for which functionality already exists)
Requesting Acknowledgement on Status Updates
Urgent messages for Status Updates
Urgent messages associated with Task due dates