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Table of Contents


  • Any custom statuses that you use (that are not the default ones) get added to the list in the modal.

    • The emoji, the message, and the clear after time, all are added as a single option.

  • You can use your recent suggestions, or use the default ones.

  • You can remove recent suggestions from the list by hovering over them and clicking the cross icon on the right.


  • If a user has a recent suggestion in the list such as: “💤 Sleeping”, and he enters a new status like: “💬 Sleeping”, it would remove the old item from the Recents list, and add “💬 Sleeping” at the top of the list.

    • The same principle applies for if a user uses a different status message, and clear time. Using a different “clear after” time. The old one would be replaced by a new one, , and the new status that the user manually entered would be added clear time would not add a new suggestion to the list. The only thing that overrides an older status to a new one is a different status message.

  • The list is sorted by recency, thus, any recent ones that you have used appear at the top.

    • Except if you use the default ones. The default ones stay at the bottom.

  • Only your last 5 recent suggestions are shown.
