OpenId Connect Authentication Provider
System Console Setup for OpenId Connect Provider
Support of OpenId Connect in Mobile/Desktop/WebApp
Google Support on Mobile
Multiple Provider Support
Plugin Interactivity
Account Settings
Restrict user from setting
Similar to other OAuth providers
Logging In
WebApp -
Add OpenIdConnect section
Is user restricted to OpenId Connect or OAuth?
Currently OAuth limited to one being turned on at a time.
I don’t think it is a technical limitation.
Add OpenIdConnect Option
Google OAuth not supported on mobile,
Need to understand why
Will this affect OpenIdConnect?
Update to login flow
Mobile Migration -
w/ old database
New OpenId won’t be available as server won’t support.
Existing OAuth Connections will continue to work as is.
w/ new database
New OpenId will be available if configured and enabled on the server.
Existing OAuth Connections will continue to work as is.
Same endpoints, change is on server side.
Old app w/ new database
New OpenId will not be available
If that is users login method, they would not be able to login.
Existing OAuth Connections will continue to work as is.
Once an OAuth System has been migrated to OIDC, we need to understand the impact on existing users. Users will remain logged in as long as their session is valid. Once their session expires, the users will go through the new login process. They will be asked to login in their provider (or not, if already logged into their provider). Whether or not the users are asked to reauthorize usage depends on each Provider.
Each of these was tested as follows -
Remove Authorized Application from Provider
Login using current OAuth Settings
Change Configuration to use OpenId Connect for same provider, same application
Login using OpenId Connect Scopes [OpenId, Email, Profile]
Google already uses OpenId Connect as the login mechanism for OAuth. The user does not have to authorize any additional access.
GitLab controls the user’s allowed scopes in the GitLab Application. The admin will need to add or verify users have access to [email profile openid] scopes in the Mattermost application on GitLab. Once that is done when the user logs in, the user will be asked to authorize access to the new scopes.
Office’s User.Read permission allow MM to “Read your profile”. That single permission is enough to allow the profile, email, openid scopes to operate successfully. If the application is deleted and recreated the “View your basic profile” and “View your email address” permissions request access.
The retrieval of the Discovery Document should only happen once and then be cached.