Test Area - Coordinate |
Test ID | Test Case | Test Procedure | Result | Notes |
18 | Clicking on the Playbook icon brings user to the Playbooks backstage | Login as a normal user. From the channel header, click on incident icon to open incident RHS. From the RHS header, click on the playbook icon. Verify that the the screen view changes to a full-modal playbooks backstage.
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19 | “Playbook” is highlighted in backstage when user is brought there after clicking playbook icon | Continue from the above test. Verify that upon clicking the playbook icon when the user is brought to the playbooks backstage, the “Playbooks” section on the left sidebar is highlighted.
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20 | When no playbook exists, the backstage shows “there are no playbooks defined yet” | Ensure that there are no predefined playbooks yet. Click on the playbook icon to open up the Playbooks backstage. Verify that the main Playbooks view notifies the user with a message that “there are no playbooks defined yet”. Verify that a “New Playbook” button appears on the Playbooks backstage.
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21 | Clicking on New Playbook icon lets user add playbook name and checklist items | Continue from the above test. Bring up the Playbooks backstage if not already open. Click on the “New Playbook” icon. Verify that the view changes from “Playbooks” to “New Playbook”. Verify that an input field for Playbook Name exists. Verify that user can see “Add new checklist item” button.
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22 | Canceling new playbook does not save the playbook | Continue from the above test. Click on “New Playbook” button. Enter “Playbook 1” for Playbook name. Add a few checklist items. Click “Cancel”. Verify that the user is brought back to the Playbooks view on the backstage. Verify that “Playbook 1” does not exist as a playbook. Repeat steps 1 - 3. Without saving, from the top, click on the '<' button. Verify that the user is brought back to the Playbooks view on the backstage. Verify that “Playbook 1” does not exist as a playbook.
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23 | Clicking on “ ← Back to Mattermost” brings user back to normal channel | Continue from the above test. From the Playbooks backstage, click on the “ ← Back to Mattermost” button. Verify that the user is brought back to Mattermost’s channel view.
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24 | Incident creation dialog shows playbook option | Bring up the incident RHS by clicking the incident icon on channel header. Click on the “+” icon to start a new incident. Verify that in the Incident Details interactive dialog, in addition to Commander and Channel Name, a Playbook dropdown is also present.
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25 | Not selecting any option from Playbook dropdown allows for a new incident creation | Continue from the above test. Enter “I-A” for Channel Name. Do not select anything for Playbook. Click “Start Incident”. Verify that the incident “I-A” got created and appears on the list on RHS.
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26 | “Playbook” in incident start modal only has “None” in dropdown when there is no playbook | Click on the “+” icon to start a new incident. Enter “NI-1” for Channel Name. Click on the Playbook dropdown. Verify that the dropdown only contains “None” as an option.
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27 | Selecting “None” from Playbook dropdown does not create any playbook | Continue from the above test. Select “None” from the playbook dropdown. Click “Start Incident”. Verify that a new incident “NI-1” is now started. Click on the playbook icon to go to the Playbook backstage. Verify there is no playbook.
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28 | A new playbook can be saved from the Playbook backstage | Continue from the above test. Click on the “New Playbook” button. Enter “PB-1” for Playbook name. Add “Started”, “In progress”, and “Analysis” as checklist items. Click “Save Playbook”. Verify that the backstage “Playbooks” view shows PB-1 listed.
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29 | A playbook can be edited from the Playbook backstage | Continue from the above test. Click on “edit” for PB-1 in the backstage. Click “edit” for the checklist. Add a new item “Resolved” at the end of the checklist. Click “done”. Click “Save Playbook”. Click “edit” for PB-1 again. Verify that the list shows all 4 items: “Started, “In progress”, “Analysis” and “Resolved”.
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30 | Playbooks created from backstage show up on the incident creation interactive dialog’s Playbook dropdown | Continue from the above test. Create one more playbook, “PB-2” from the backstage (following steps 1-4 from the above test case). Add different checklist items and save. Go back to normal MM view. Bring up the Incident Details interactive dialog (using any method). Click the Playbook dropdown icon. Verify that dropdown includes both “PB-1” and “PB-2” as options.
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31 | Selecting predefined playbook auto-populates an incident’s checklist | Continue from the above test. Enter “I-B” for Channel Name. Pick PB-1 for Playbook. Click “Start Incident”. Once the incident gets started, find the incident “I-B” in the incident list on RHS. Click on incident I-B to see the details view. Verify that the checklist has all items previously defined for PB-1 (“Started”, “In progress”, “Analysis” and “Resolved”) listed.
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32 | Checklist edited on incident RHS does not change the playbook checklist on backstage | Continue from the above test. Click “edit” for the checklist started in the above test. Delete “Started”. Add “Generate Report” as the 3rd item on the checklist. Click “Add new checklist item”. Add “Generate Report” and press Enter. Drag “Generate Report” between “Analysis” and “Resolved”.
Click “done”. Click on the playbook icon to go to the backstage. In the backstage, click on “Edit” for PB-1. Verify that the changes made in steps 2 and 3 are NOT reflected. Verify that the checklist items on backstage remain the same as it was before the edits from step 1 of this test (with “Started”, “In progress”, “Analysis” and “Resolved”).
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33 | Checklist edited on backstage reflects properly during incident creation | Continue from the above test. On Playbook backstage, click “edit” for “PB-2”. Edit the checklist such that the items are now as follows: “Unplug device” “Wait 5 seconds” “Plug device again” “Done”
Switch to normal MM view. Start an incident using any method. In the Incident interactive dialog, enter “I-3” for Channel Name. Enter “PB-2” from Playbook dropdown. Click “Start Incident”. Find the incident on the RHS list. Verify that the checklist items appear as changed in step 2.
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34 | Checklist edited on backstage does not affected previously started incident's checklist | Continue from the above test. On Playbook backstage, click “edit” for “PB-2”. Edit the checklist such that the items are now as follows: “Turn off device” “Unplug” “Wait 3 seconds” “Plug back again” “Turn on device”
Start an incident using any method. In the Incident interactive dialog, enter “I-4” for Channel Name. Enter “PB-2” from Playbook dropdown. Click “Start Incident”. Find the incident on the RHS list. Verify that the checklist items appear as changed in step 2. Find incident “I-3” from the above test. View details. Verify that the checklist has not changed as edited in step 2.
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35 | A “delete playbook confirmation” dialog pops up when deleting a playbook | Continue from the above test. Go to Playbook backstage by clicking on the playbook icon on RHS. From the list, find playbook “PB-2”. Click “delete” for “PB-2”. Verify that a confirmation pop up appears.
| | ???? |
36 | A “delete playbook” can be canceled | Continue from the above test. In the confirmation dialog click the “Cancel” button. Verify that the playbook is not deleted and it is still there in the playbook list. Switch to normal MM view. Start an incident using any method. In the incident interactive dialog, verify that the playbook still appears on the Playbook dropdown.
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37 | A playbook can be deleted from the backstage | Continue from the above test. Go to Playbook backstage by clicking on the playbook icon on RHS. From the list, find playbook “PB-2”. Click “delete” for “PB-2”. In the confirmation dialog click “Confirm”. Verify that the playbook no longer appears in the Playbooks list. Switch to normal MM view. Start an incident using any method. In the incident interactive dialog, verify that the playbook no longer appears on the Playbook dropdown.
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38 | A deleted playbook does not affect previously started incident using that playbook | Continue from the above test. In the incident RHS, find incidents I-3 and I-4 from above tests. Verify that the checklists for I-3 and I-4 are not changed.
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39 | A playbook created in Team X is not visible in Team Y | As user A, go to Team X. Create a playbook “PB-X”. Verify that PB-X is accessible in the Playbook dropdown during incident creation. Switch to Team Y. Start an incident using any method. Verify that “PB-X” is not present in the Playbook dropdown.
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40 | A commander can see a dropdown for users under “Commander” in details view | Login as a normal user A. Start a new incident. Open the incident RHS by clicking on incident icon on the channel header. Find the incident started in step 2. Click on the incident to see the detailed view. Verify that the username under commander shows a dropdown icon.
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41 | An “info” icon is present beside the Commander header | Continue from the above test. Verify that the commander heading on RHS has an “Commander” in details view has an “info” icon.
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42 | Upon hovering on the “info” icon, a tooltip shows a list of actions a commander can take | Continue from the above test. Hover over the “info” icon beside the Commander heading. Verify that a tooltip appears with help text listing the actions a commander can take.
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43 | A non-commander cannot see a dropdown for users under “Commander” in details view | Continue from the above test. Login as user B. Open up the incident RHS. Find the incident started by user A in above tests. Click on the incident to see details view. Verify that the username under “Commander” is not a dropdown menu.
| | ??? |
44 | Incident channel members are listed in the user dropdown list | Continue from the above test. Login as user A. Start a new incident. In the incident channel, add users B and C. Open up the incident RHS. Find incident from step 2 and click to see incident details. Click the user dropdown under Commander. Verify that both users B and C show up on the list.
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45 | An incident channel member can be searched by a commander in the user dropdown list | Continue from the above test. In the search box (in the users dropdown), type the username for user C. Verify that the list reduces to show only user C.
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46 | A non-incident channel member cannot be searched in the user dropdown list | Continue from the above test. In the search box, type the username for user Y, who is not yet added to the incident channel. Verify that a message shows that the user could not be found.
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47 | A new user can be designated as a new commander | As user A, start a new incident. Add user B to the incident channel. Open the incident RHS. Find the incident from step 1 and click to see the details. Click the user dropdown below Commander. Select user B. Verify that the commander for the incident changes to user B. Verify a bot message is posted to the incident channel that the user A changed the commander to user B. Log in as user B. Find the incident in the RHS. Verify that user B appears as the commander in incident list view on the RHS. Click on the incident to see the details. Verify that user B is listed as the commander.
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48 | The new commander can edit checklist of the incident | | | ??? Any channel member can edit checklist? |
49 | The new commander can end an incident | | | ??? Any channel member can end incident? |
50 | Old commander cannot see a dropdown for users under “Commander” in details view | | | ??? |
51 | Old commander cannot edit checklist of the incident | | | ??? |
52 | Old commander cannot end an incident | | | ??? |