During beta, we aim for bi-weekly cadence and make releases as a custom plugin. See release log below for download link and demo of what to expect, and see FAQ below for helpful resources.
Release Log
Version | User Story | Ship Date | Demo | Download Link |
v0.1.x |
As a user, I can facilitate incidents within Mattermost so that there is a clear start/end time and channel for discussion. |
Target date: April 3, 2020
Download: Click here to download v0.1.0
Click here for more detail. |
Value: As a user, I can stay aligned with my team by sharing a checklist during an incident so that it’s clear what to do.
Target date: April 17, 2020
Value: As a user, I can remind my teammates of the standardized procedure by predefining checklist items so that they don’t forget a step.
Target date: May 1, 2020
Value: As a user, I can access any past incident from a central place so that my team can use that information to make postmortem easier.
User Guide
How to start an incident?
There are two ways to start an incident:
Using slash command
/incident start
from any channelUsing message actions dropdown menu and select “Start Incident” as show below.
A private incident channel will be automatically created and you will be assigned as the Commander. This is the central place for discussion related to the incident.
How to see info about current active incident?
In the channel header, click the !
icon to bring up the right-hand side panel that shows a list of current active incidents. Select an incident to see its commander, channel, and checklist.
How to end an incident?
There are two ways to end an incident:
Using slash command
/incident end
from within the incident channelUsing the
End Incident
button in the rand-hand side panel while in the incident channel
The incident will become inactive and will be removed from the list. Incident history and post-mortem features are coming soon.
How do user permissions work?
The incident list is scoped by team, so everyone in the team can start incidents and view details in the right-hand side. Only members of specific incident channel can make changes to the corresponding incident, such as end incident and updating checklist items.
How do I install the beta on my server?
Download the latest version from the release log above and install by following this guide in our documentation here. The minimum server version supported is 5.12 and later.
How much will the Command Centre cost?
During beta, Command Centre is available to try for Mattermost users on both Team and Enterprise Editions. After launch, it will be included as a part of E20.
What data is collected from beta users?
The beta releases include telemetry as explained here to help us accelerate iteration cycles during this stage. As the product prepares for launch, updated telemetry with opt-out option will be implemented and documented in a similar fashion as the Mattermost server.