Document Version 0.0
Status: Test plan development in progress
v0.0 is the initial version of this document that outlines the test plan for the Channel Export plugin v0.0.1 that is currently in its implementation phase. The tests in this plan are derived from the user stories in Channel Export document. The document will be updated with tests as needed, until the final version is cut for release.
When images exist in parallel to assist with the test case, they are placed right below the corresponding test procedure.
The Test Areas in this document are arranged based on the vertical columns of the user storyboard.
The plugin will be available (see assumption) for Mattermost version starting 5.12 and up. This test plan consists of test cases to be run on Mattermost server version 5.22; however a subset of smoke tests will be executed on server versions 5.12, 5.14, 5.16, 5.18 and 5.20.
Once this document has been reviewed and approved, the test cases will be migrated to the TM4J (Test Management for Jira) for test execution and posterity.
This document covers test cases for the user stories as outlined for the Channel Export plugin v.0.0.1. This scope will be expanded if needed for the first release version of the plugin.
Admin - A user with system administrator privileges.
Normal user - A user with non-system administrator privileges.
Test Server - A list of test server versions used in testing including Mattermost server and Marketplace Server
Main menu - Hamburger menu on the LHS.
The tests in this test plans are written with the assumption that:
The tests outlined in this document is to be executed against the Channel Export plugin v0.0.1.
The Channel Export plugin, although will be a part of the Enterprise Edition plugin suite that will only available to customers with E10/E20 license, the first version of the plugin will be available on non-EE instances.
The Channel Export plugin can function as a standalone plugin that does not require to talk to any other plugin.
The Channel Export plugin will function in Mattermost version 5.12 and later
The tests will be executed in Mattermost version 5.22.
Testing is primarily done on the webapp, with spot checks on the desktop app, RN mobile app and mobile web browser app.
The tests in this document are executed as a normal user (see glossary above) unless otherwise specified.
The test cases that pass for a normal user will also pass for a system administrator.
Document Setup
For the practicality of running tests easily, test cases are arranged in sequential order when necessary, following the preceding test case.
A Mattermost v5.22 test server.
Incident Channel Export Plugin v0.0.1.0.
Test Server:
Build Hash: