Types of properties
Property TypeLevel | Description | Visibility |
Mattermost level | These are defined by “Mattermost” like status and assignee which are essential for a product like Playbooks to function. | If the system admin is unable to change these properties, and even unable to link them to AD/LDAP, these should be hidden to avoid confusion. |
System level | These are custom properties defined by the system admin in addition to “Mattermost” level properties that are then propagated down to the artefact object (i.e. Playbooks, Boards). | These would be visible at all configuration levels below, though locked at any level below the system console. At most the user can change the property values of these if allowed by the system admin. |
Team level | These are custom properties defined by the team admin in addition to “Mattermost” and System level properties that are then propagated down to the artefact object (i.e. Playbooks, Boards) of that respective team. | These would be visible at all configuration levels below, though locked at any level below the system console. At most the user can change the property values of these if allowed by the system admin. |
Artefact Object level | These are custom properties defined by the artefact object admin in addition to “Mattermost”, System level, and Team Level properties living on the artefactobject. | These would also be visible at the artefact object level. |
Mattermost level and system level properties
The ones locked are the mattermost+system level properties, and the one unlocked (Incident Type) is a property added at the team level.
object level
The ones locked are the mattermost+system+team level properties, and the one unlocked (Severity) is a property added at the artefact object level.
Allow modification to property values
This is with the “Allow changes to options” menu toggle on the property itself.
This allows people at the lower levels to:
Add, Edit, and Remove values.
Only the user role that has access to the property can enable or disable this option.
And a team admin level property options can be overridden by an artefact object owner.
If a system admin sets a status value as:
In progress and Complete
Yet the team admin goes and updates that to:
Triage, In progress, Resolution, and Complete
All Playbooks in that will respect that override.
And if a playbook owner at the artefact object level updates this to include:
Triage, In progress, Mitigation, Resolution, and Complete
All runs created by that playbook in that will respect that override.
This permissions model and infrastructure probably works for various levels of artefacts objects i.e. Boards, Playbooks, Channels, etc, but it doesn’t work for User Profile Attributes.