The user can decide to remove them, or add new channels.
This would use a pretty similar UI as the channels listing page in the system console.
We will not have the filters here that exist in that channels listing page.
A server cannot reshare a channel that's shared with them (so this would only show channels belonging to your server)
However, a channel originating on your server can be shared to multiple secure connections
This code will only be shared once, and the user has to copy both of these and send them to the other org inorder in order for a connection to be established.
Here we display the connections that the user has created/accepted.
Status of the connection.
Channels shared
Options to See the invitation code, edit, and delete the connection.
The option to see the invitation code will only be there if the connection is pending.
Once the connection is made, the share code option will disappear, as we only allow users to share the code 1 to 1.
DMs with External Connection