Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

zFigma link:


  • The user can decide to remove them, or add new channels.

  • This would use a pretty similar UI as the channels listing page in the system console.

    • We will not have the filters here that exist in that channels listing page.

  • A server cannot reshare a channel that's shared with them (so this would only show channels belonging to your server)

    • However, a channel originating on your server can be shared to multiple secure connections


New channel requests

If a channel request is send sent and the automatically accept channel invites option is turned off. We will send a bot message to all admins as well. They can then accept or reject the channel and choose a destination team.


  • Here we display the connections that the user has created/accepted.

  • Status of the connection.

  • Channels shared

  • Options to See the invitation code, edit, and delete the connection.

    • The option to see the invitation code will only be there if the connection is pending.

    • Once the connection is made, the share code option will disappear, as we only allow users to share the code 1 to 1.


DMs with External Connection
