What assets do we want to share in the future when creating a connection?
Specific Channels
What happens when one server is outdated or has features the other server does not? i.e. calls, or plugins.
Do we generate the posts? Like if a person initials a call, or a zoom call in a channel, do we show it for members of the other org, even if they don’t have access to them?
For the MVP, do we want to allow public team sharing?
For the MVP, do we want to allow DMs?
Do we allow users to control what the other server is sharing with them?
Server A shared 2 teams.
Can server B decide to only accept 1 team?
If server A initiated a connection by sharing their DMs, can server B reject the request to share DMs? And keep DMs closed?
Expanded to Channels, Teams
How does MS teams integration play into this? Can we incorporate that flow here as well?
This is a very specific case for P1, most other platforms allow you to share a channel, rather than opening up a whole team. Should we consider developing a more general usecase for this feature so it’s applicable to general users of our platform. This would mean having the following features:
Allowing you to share specific channels
Allowing you to have control who can invite people of the other server
Decide whether people can even see interactive with other people on the other team (apart from the one that its shared to). Interaction would entail:
Inviting users to teams or channels
Seeing the servers members anywhere, etc.
Page Comparison