/request-ack message goes here
/priority urgent message goes here
Boards-related Enhancements
The following could be tied to Boards Cards created with a certain priority.
Apply the Urgent or Important message label to messages about Boards Cards created with the “1. High” priority level
Upcoming due dates
When a High Priority task is created/assigned to you
Request Acknowledgements when High Priority tasks are initially created
If a certain Board is known to only have important tasks, have all messages related to Cards on this Board be marked as Urgent
Would need to be careful of over-usage, but this could be if a Board was used for Urgent bugs for instance.
Use Acknowledgements to “accept” a task that multiple people may have the ability to complete
E.g. for a task being managed using a Boards Card, allow for anyone in an associated Channel to “accept” responsibility for the task after it has been created (this would then assign them the task on Boards).
Playbooks-related Enhancements