The Phase 1 Minimum Viable Product for this project will include the pieces outlined sumamrized below.
New Layout Elements
UX Details for New Layout Elements
Impacts to Existing Elements
Channel Sidebar (LHS) Header
Since the user’s avatar is now in the Global Header, the avatar is removed from the LHS.
LHS Main Menu
Since a number of functions will be moved to the Account Menu in the Global Header, the following items will be removed from the Main Menu:
Remove ‘Account Settings’ - this will be moved to the Account Menu in the Global Header
Remove ‘Logout’ - this will be moved to the Account Menu in the Global Header
Remove ‘Plugin Marketplace’ - this will be moved to the App Bar and/or the App Switcher. To be finalized
Remove ‘System Console’ - this will be either moved to the App Switcher Menu or the Account Menu. To be finalized.
Channel Header
The Channel Header will be refreshed to work with the new layout changes.
Default State
Hover State
The following changes will be made to the channel header:
Remove Search Input
Remove Saved icon
Remove Mentions icon
Remove Global-level App Icons - these move to the app-bar
Rearrange remaining icons and controls
Show header description on hover of the left side of the channel header area
Adds a new ‘Meet’ button if video conference apps are configured for the user/server
Adds a
button for more plugin controls at the channel level (but apps will ideally use the new app bar as much as possible)
Right Sidebar
With the new layout, the Right Sidebar (aka RHS) will no longer sit under the Channel Header. It will sit to the right of it as a panel that is revealed under the Center Channel content area.
Will now sit to the right of the Center Channel content area
The RHS Header will match the height of the Channel Header