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Any custom statuses that you use get added to the list in the modal.
The emoji, the message, and the clear after time, all are added as a single option.
You can use your recent suggestions, or use the default ones.
You can remove recent suggestions from the list by hovering over them and clicking the cross icon on the right.
If a user has a recent suggestion in the list such as: “💤 Sleeping”, and he enters a new status like: “💬 Sleeping”, it would remove the old item from the Recents list, and add “💬 Sleeping” at the top of the list.
The same principle applies if a user uses a different clear time. Using a different clear time would not add a new suggestion to the list. The only thing that overrides an older status to a new one is a different status message.
The list is sorted by recency, thus, any recent ones that you have used appear at the top.
Except if you use the default ones. The default ones stay at the bottom.
Only your last 5 recent suggestions are shown.
The recent suggestions would be stored on the sever, thus being unified across the different platforms.
A user can set a custom status and decide whether he wants it to clear automatically.
i.e. In a meeting can clear after 1 hour, or 4 hours, if he so wishes.
He can set a manual clear time as well, or set a status to not clear at all.
Once set, the clear after will display as follows (for you and others):
If the clear after time is within 24 hours, show the time it will end. e.g. "Until 2:30 PM" (correct for viewer's timezone)
If the clear after time is more tha 24 hours away, but less than 7 days, show the day it will end. e.g. "Until Tomorrow", "Until Friday" (correct for viewer's timezone)
If the clear after time is more than >=7 days, show the date it will end. e.g. "Until Mar 20" (correct for viewer's timezone)
You can go through this flow in the Figma prototype below.