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Design critiques, crits for short, is an informal time to give / get feedback on any work in progress. Crits are meant for designers only, this is not meant to exclude other disciplines, we’ll hold Design Reviews for the broader audience. Crits are a great way for designers to share ideas, no matter what stage you are in in the design process, in a safe and judgement free space. You don’t need to prepare ahead of time or have a formal agenda, the crit is meant to be short and sweet.


Design Crit Structure

  • No more than 4 designers Held (goal)

    • For now, we can keep it to the entire team. Then scale back as we grow.

  • Crits are held twice a week

    • Monday and Friday

    • Ideally at the same time each day to

    keep them consistent
    • Mon and Fribe consistent

  • 30 mins each with 3 - 10 min slots:

    • Slot 1 [10 min]: Name

    • Slot 2 [10 min]: Name

    • Slot 3 [10 min]: Name

      • We can adjust the times up or down as needed

Presenting designs

  • Always start with ‘what’ you need feedback on

    •  This helps to set context for the other designers

  • After setting the context, ask if anyone has clarifying questions

    •  This will allow the you to clear up any misunderstandings

  • Start presenting your work to the team

  • Dive into the feedback from your peers

    • Live design / updates are encouraged to flesh out ideas quickly 
