If we release mobile and desktop at the same time:
New server, old mobile:
New parent message in a channel
Channel is marked as unread on mobile and desktop
Channel is viewed from either mobile or desktop: channel marked as unread on both mobile and desktop
New message in an unfollowed thread
On desktop:
No unread notification exists unless a new parent message is posted
On mobile:
Channel is marked as unread
Channel is viewed: Marks the channel as read
New message in followed thread
On desktop:
Unread indicator on the sidebar thread item
Thread is viewed: thread is marked as read on desktop, but on mobile the channel still shows an unread indicator (If the only new messages in that channel are from the viewed thread, can we mark the channel as read on the server side?)
Channel is viewed: Channel is marked as unread on mobile and desktop
On mobile:
Channel is marked as unread
Channel is viewed: Marks the channel as read and that thread as read
View a channel
Open a thread
on desktop
View a channel: Channel appears as read on mobile, even if I haven’t read the thread messages yet.
open a thread:
new message in channel:
On mobile
View a channel: Mark the channel as read, but the thread remains unread
We might be able to detect that the app is on on older version, and if so mark the channel and the threads as read from the timestamp of the last_viewed_at time
open a thread: same as above
Other option,
Old server, new mobile: No new threading option (server does not support it), but the mobile app needs to support old and new threads for new servers, and the old threading model on old servers
New Server, new mobile: Show new threading option (user can choose in account settings to disable or enable folded threads)
can we do something interm on mobile? If using wew new server, but old old mobile, then revert to above ^